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green lantern imrainai lands in rivalry

The city of Tarl is under seige, though that's likely to change by the end of the night, one way or another. A flight of bombers scream past the already-smoldering skyscrapers, new fires blossoming in their wake. Flak ineffectually lights up the night in their wake. Below, in the cratered remnants of the minefield separating the city limits from the enemy's line, armored troop carriers and tanks start their advance, crawling slowly across under covering fire from shielded batteries that stifles any sally the defenders might attempt in response.

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She's fighting a supervillain - she hates that supervillain is even a category, but that's what she's doing - when the guy fires off some kind of portal gun, and then she's dealing with more than just the one guy.

She scans the sky for portals back. She takes in the fires, then the attack in general.

Her first impulse is to defend the city. This is a bad impulse to run off with without checking in on things - she doesn't know what the political or military situation is, and attackers aren't always the bad guys. If the Allies are trying to retake Paris, you...?

Well, you put out the fires, anyway. 

She puts her standard bubble-construct up for armor and flies up to the nearest skyscraper to check whether it in fact has anyone inside.


The top few floors collapse in flames as she moves in to check, but it seems like this one was empty. But a sniper in one of the other buildings has apparently decided her green glowing sphere is an acceptable target and she's fired upon. High-velocity kinetic rounds only, nothing exotic.


Well, naturally. This is what the bubble is for. The bullets bounce off, because she's practiced this, and she goes to check on the other buildings.


They're all mostly clear of living inhabitants.

There's a large cluster of people in the base of that one over there, however.


Strictly better than the alternatives, she supposes. She flies up to the highest inhabited level of the skyscraper and tones her bubble armor down to something still-protective-but-less-noticeable. 

"Hey! Anybody in need of specific assistance?"


There are a lot of armed and uniformed men and women inside! Many of them are now pointing said weapons at her. One in the back seems to be whispering a description of her into a communications device.

"Identity yourself," demands someone who may be an officer, judging from the insignia on the shoulder.


"Green Lantern 2814. Got shot through a portal just now and I'm very confused."

It's cool that her costume has a facemask, because she might just have to make herself scarce in a bit if this goes really really wrong.


"...says she's green lantern? No sir. She is green, sir. Glowing. Yes, sir."

"This is an active warzone. Who authorized your presence here?"


"Literally no one, I got shot through a portal about three minutes ago and this is where I got spit out? I did notice the warzone thing, I understand that this is a really bad time for you. If it would be better for me to leave then I can do that, you just looked like you might plausibly need some help on the not all dying front? I am a fan of people not dying."


The officer looks skeptical. "Corporal?" he calls over his shoulder.

"Inbound, sir. ETA-"


A streak of golden light interrupts the corporal's report and there is abruptly a girl in a sparkly dress standing between the soldiers and the Green Lantern.

"Hi everyone. What's going on?"


"I got shot through a portal!" she says, helpfully. "I'm wondering if there's anything I can do to help, but your people are understandably very concerned about the sudden unexplained interloper. That's about it on this end, I'm pretty lost. Sorry for diverting resources from the primary matter at hand, wasn't intentional."


"Yeah so when a strange magical girl shows up that's usually not a good thing. How about you and me hop a couple buildings over to talk so the sergeant can relax a bit."


"Sure thing," she says, and flies to one of the skyscrapers that she's pretty sure is abandoned.


Anneia follows, taking the distance in several great leaps, bouncing off the sides of buildings.

"So you said something about a portal? Where are you from?"


Hmmm. Assuming that supers are as thick on the ground here as they are at home, and assuming that they're as varied as they are at home, sometimes with access to honest-to-goodness magic, and carefully not making any assumptions about whether the person she's talking to is generally on the up and up, and knowing that a bunch of people are going to die if they somehow get to Earth and invade, even given the Justice League's obvious ability to oppose them -

Oa can handle itself, surely.

"The Green Lanterns are based on a planet called Oa. We're a peacekeeping force that spans the galaxy, so we get called in to deal with anyone similarly powerful who wants to make trouble. Unfortunately, the troublemaker of the day has a portal gun, and apparently he can send people pretty far away from where he is. I'm gonna try to get home after this, obviously, but I'm not in such a rush that I can't stop for anything." 


"Uh, yeah, so there's no planet called Oa or Green Lanterns in this galaxy."


"Officially pretty concerned about the strength of that portal gun, then."


"We don't have anything like that, either."


"Oh, the portal gun is new, that's no surprise. Green Lanterns are fairly structurally normal, though, I expect that wherever we are is far outside Oan territory."


"I mean, unless half the galaxy is 'far outside Oan territory' I think you might be from another dimension or something." Or just actually insane but that wouldn't be productive to say. And there's the weird mask and the weird costume and the weird green glow and all that together adds up to a whole lot of weird.


"That's possible. Might honestly have been easier than transporting me a couple galaxies over, though I've heard of both things happening. Ohh, I know," she says, and gives a mental command to her ring. "This is - yep, nope, comms are dead. Different dimension or profound interference it is."


"Okay, cool. So now that we've established you're not a whitesider here to break our trap before we can spring it, do you mind if we walk and talk? 'Cause the tanks'll be rolling in in about five minutes and I was supposed to snap their line about fifteen blocks north of here."


"Fine with me."


"Great." She hops down to the street and sets off at a quick run.

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