Then the nurse will be the one to get very hugged and thanked for saving them both.
She can think of some devices that might be useful. She's cautiously optimistic about trying the same treatment on the rest of her body, but that seems riskier and she'd rather not die before she can free Isava. She'll try it if she has to, but maybe they have part-time work for her now? She can sew and work with leather.
- Isava interrupts to tell her to please not make that choice just for him. If she just doesn't want to risk getting worse, fine, but can she please not make him the reason she's still sick?
Echan laughs. "I'd be fine, now, but since you insist."
"I'm not insisting! Just..."
"Okay. Anyway, I'll have them see how well they can fix me. You never know, maybe I'll be cured."