Kaja's swordstaff decapitates a zombie as Ragnar swoops down. She hears teeth scrape against the metal of her armored boot, but they don't get enough purchase to crunch through, and Ragnar's up again, wheeling for a better strafing angle. There's only three left. She barks commands to her griffin and he banks, flaps, dives.
Gunnar says something.
"Gunnar wants to confirm that you're a deer with wings."
"I am indeed a deer with wings," says Darren, amused. "I'm guessing he wants to see me be a deer with wings?"
Darren raises an eyebrow. "Uh. I'm fine with showing him, probably not in a crowded mess hall, though. The ride - um. Maybe? I'm just sort of worried about being treated like a beast of burden, which I am not."
"He wonders," she translates again when Gunnar says something, "if you are a mini deer and not an elk or something and therefore can't carry people."
"No, I probably can if he's not wearing armor or secretly five hundred pounds or something, but - I don't know, I don't really know him, and I really don't want to get caught in a - 'Novices, novices everywhere, ride the fantastical talking and flying deer!' situation. Because I'm a person."
One of Kaja's paladin friends, the woman, says, "Clearly you are a person. No one would ride you without permission; we wouldn't even do that to another paladin's mount, and those don't speak."
Nom, nom. Cabbage, sausage, nutty bread. Dinner.
The food is pretty okay, if not very creative. The paladins and novice all clear their plates and Gunnar says something that Kaja translates as, "Can he at least see now, he wants to know."
Darren doesn't think he likes Gunnar that much, but maybe Kaja's translating him unfavorably. "Sure," he agrees, and he finishes his last sausage, gets up from the table, and neatly shifts to fullform. He is a pretty blue-grey deer with wings. Behold.
Gunnar appears to want to pet Darren, though he utters no sentences to this effect.
Gunnar can - go on wanting to pet Darren, Darren's not going to care, as long as he doesn't start trying without asking.
When Kaja translates that, Gunnar seems to take it as permission to reach for Darren's fur.
Darren skirts away from the offending hand (he is a deer, he is graceful enough to manage this, even when surprised) and then nudges Gunnar with his antlers. "Does he usually try to touch people without their permission?"
Gunnar scurries.
Darren-the-deer sighs, and shifts back to human. "Well. I probably could have handled that better, I apologize."
"Probably," agrees Darren. "I'm perfectly fine with showing people, just not - randomly being touched or ridden by strange people I don't know."
"How are you settling in?" Kaja asks him, voice free of overlay when she's only speaking to one person.