Kaja's swordstaff decapitates a zombie as Ragnar swoops down. She hears teeth scrape against the metal of her armored boot, but they don't get enough purchase to crunch through, and Ragnar's up again, wheeling for a better strafing angle. There's only three left. She barks commands to her griffin and he banks, flaps, dives.
"It depends on what the kitchen makes. Breakfast is at dawn and lunch at noon and dinner at sundown in the mess hall - you can see it from this window, that one with the chimneys. I'm starving, I hope they have kale and pork and potatoes..."
"Okay, so it's not weird things I've never heard of before in my life. That's convenient."
"I wasn't expecting anything, I was just - open to the possibility that you might start talking about eating delicious things I've never heard of in my life."
"Well, yes. But also probably distressing while I tried to figure out what I liked and what I hated, and having no basis to compare without trying everything."
"Huh. Well, they might have kale and pork and potatoes, though it's summer so it could also be fruit and trout and squash."
"I know all of those foods! Hurray! Though I haven't actually tried squash, but I know it exists."
"There's different kinds, usually they get a mix and just roast it all together. Sometimes they can get interesting spices from the tropics to put on it but usually we don't spend on luxuries like that... Oh, and there is always porridge, left over if you're last in the meal order and everything else is gone or if you just actually like porridge or whatever they put in it that day."
"Haven't had that, either. But I know it exists. I'm going to be trying lots of new things, even without strange food I've never heard of."
"Okay. I need to go report in to my commander about the zombies and catch up on my devotionals but I'll be at dinner."
Darren gets to making the list of things he can very definitively do with his magic. He'll have to ask for paper, later, when getting the specifics of each spell, but for now he can just stick with his notebook of runes and cheatsheets. He's pretty sure he'll freak out a bit the minute he stops having things to do, but that hasn't happened yet, so he can stave that off for a while longer. Runes! Magic! Obsessively exact penmanship!
He notices this (after a delay) and decides he should probably go investigate dinner. So he goes to do that, notebook in hand. He could probably safely leave it in his boring room, but then that would mean that if he gets bored at dinner he won't be able to work on more spells, and that also someone might find it and take it. Darren considers it his most valuable object. It's staying with him while he's doing ordinary things like going to dinner, thanks. If he were going to do dangerous things, it'd be different - but he's not. He's surrounded by paladins. This is probably the safest place to be.
Kaja is sitting with some other paladins and one bold novice in a clump at the end of one of the long tables in the mess hall.
Darren is reminded, absurdly, of high school. And showing up and having absolutely no idea of where to sit or what to do. Or what to say. Right, when in doubt - get food. Then, cling to the one person he knows. Savannah's not here (he wishes she were) so that person is, by default, Kaja. So he does both of those things, getting food and going to sit with the one, singular person he knows.
The novice says something in not English at all, not gifted with the language thing.
"I've already told you about the zombies. There were fifteen of them and I caught them on their way from the outbreak and got them all," Kaja says.
The novice is very enthusiastic.
"It was very messy and very dangerous and very necessary," says Kaja.
"Gunnar hasn't taken his vows yet," Kaja mentions. "And Darren isn't even a novice... We'll have to translate if the two of you want to talk to each other."
"Ah, right, that - will be inconvenient. I should add 'learn the local language' to my list of things to do."