There is a vast field of rock broken up by occasional piles of detritus and heaps of trash. There are mountains of it, and the smell is correspondingly vile. Most of what's left seems to be rusting metal, glass, and something weird and shiny and flexible.
"I don't think the 'fairy' threat model is the one we ought to be worrying about here. I'm pretty sure you've never told any of us your real name either, little miss Eagle."
She laughs a little. "I promise I'm not a fairy, I just didn't want to have to point and say hey you. It's good to meet you all. As to information... well the obvious question is what's up with the flying city dropping piles of trash everywhere?"
"That's Bastion. They strip the ground as they fly and throw out anything that's not immediately useful or that outlives its welcome to save on weight... Leaving all us down here on the ground to pick through it. Trade it to folk further afield. It's probably better than hunter-gatherer life, all the useful scrap and salvaged electronics and all."
"That sounds incredibly wasteful. I know without magic recycling is harder but metal is one of the easier things to recycle and there seems to be a lot of it here."
"I think they do some recycling on Bastion? But I heard once that it's easier to just - go forward and keep strip-mining. There's big operations that melt it all back into ingots. We're component-pickers though, it's a different niche- You average 'broken' appliance is probably still ninety percent good, and your average frontline scavenger will usually only grab light and compact things- Tablet computers, not fridges."
"Interesting. Things do seem a lot more intact than I would expect for falling from the city. So you trade what you gather for food and medicine and other useful equipment?"
"I think about half the trash gets lowered down slowly. They have deals where it all gets dumped relatively gently near frontliners for - intel, or salvage, letting trailer trash like us do the recycling work and sell rare metals or electronics back. I'm not, like, well versed in the economics of it though."
"I can MOVE THINGS with my MIND! Yesssss!"
He will FLING the tire. If he can. (Away from the group.)
The magic started being 'grabby' when it went into the tire, soaking in like syrup. He'll pull it all back OUT. That should do the trick.
"I can just give you the basic transmutation templates but you need magic to use them. My magic doesn't really do the artifacts thing that's so common in stories. Atomic transmutation is usually more trouble than it's worth but we can talk about me giving you those too."
"...That one sounds like a bad idea to distribute more widely? If it can turn, say, uranium-238 to plutonium-239."
"That's why I'm not distributing it lightly. It's not like it wouldn't be easy to figure out with the right knowledge though."
"Bastion can do it, and does. It's just a matter of... Access. I wouldn't want every random trash-picking crew to have access to a fission bomb, only the smart ones manage to have reactor powered vehicles..."