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if the censorship vote had gone the other way this pamphlet would be illegal now
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I, Esdres Comas, hereby certify that this work is permitted under the Third Publication Statute of Cheliax. ♒︎♓︎

Alamode Beef.

Take a round of beef, and stuff it with half pound pork, half pound butter, the soft of half a loaf of wheat bread, boil four eggs very hard, chop them up ; add sweet marjoram, sage, parsley, summersavory, and one ounce cloves pounded, chop them all together, with two eggs very fine, and add a gill of wine, season very high with salt and pepper, cut holes in your beef, to put your stuffing in, then stick whole cloves into the beef, then put it into a two pail pot, with sticks at the bottom; if you wish to have the beef round when done, put it into a cloth and bind it tight with 20 or 30 yards of twine, put it into your pot with two or three quarts of water, and one gill of wine, if the round be large, it will take three or four hours to bake it.

A crookneck, or winter squash pudding.

Core, boil and skin a good squash, and bruise it well; take six large apples, pared, cored, and stewed tender, mix together; add six or seven spoonfuls of dry bread or buiscuit, rendered fine as meal, one pint milk or cream, two spoons rose-water, two of wine, five or six eggs beaten and strained, nutmeg, salt and sugar to your taste, one spoon flour, beat all smartly together, bake one hour.

Delicious cake for several people.

Thirty quarts flour, ten pounds butter, fourteen pounds sugar, twelve pounds raisins, three dozen eggs, one pint wine, one quart brandy, four ounces cinnamon, four ounces fine colander seed, three ounces ground alspice; wet the flour with the milk to the consistency of bread over night, adding one quart yeast, the next morning work the butter and sugar together for half an hour, which will render the cake much lighter and whiter ; when it has risen light, work in every other ingredient except the plumbs, which work in when going into the oven.

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Well at least the censorship law hasn't killed all forms of fun and entertainment.  Could she get Thea to pay for ingredients if she's cooking for the abbey?  She thinks Thea has lightened up about money since Estella actually helped her work out the math for how much money she could make from tenants in her abbey.

Wait... actually, this pamphlet mentions sugar twice... and sugar vs. honey is a political issue because of Geb's undead labor produced sugar, right?  So even this pamphlet might be illegal if someone made an issue out of it?  Hopefully prosecutors have better things to do than make tenuous arguments to punish recipe pamphleteers?  If she publishes any recipes, she'll make sure to avoid mentioning honey or sugar as opposed to "sweetener".  And she'll give it a few months at least to see if any unlucky recipe pamphleteers get arrested before she even tries that much.


if you wish to have the beef round when done, put it into a cloth and bind it tight with 20 or 30 yards of twine

Oh, is that how that's done? She never could winkle that one out of Menna.

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