An hour or so later, the elusive Kolya announces from the hallway, "There's a bar in the closet."
"Hi, Kolya," says Chris, to the seemingly empty air previously occupied by a visible Kolya. "Or not. As long as you've still got the door, I guess."
"How many eights have you got?" inquires Libby as the rest of them follow her in. "We should divide them up equally, and then I'll safe them. It takes one coin to do one of the next level up, or one coin to do a batch of the same level - I haven't discovered a limit on batch size yet. Hmm, I should give the coin sorters a feature for passing directly to someone else's sorter, faster that way and with less chance of dropping any - spare me a six? It shouldn't take more than that to make the change for all four of us."
"All right. So - " (she wishes on the six) " - a hundred and five each to me, Chris, and Lazarus. Hopefully the extras I've got will be enough to safe them all."
"Yes, we'll come out exactly where you came in - likely to be exactly when, for that matter. I expect to be able to teleport to them, and if not I expect to be able to fix that very quickly with coins. The teleportation power I'm using doesn't require specification in much depth; if there's only four houses I don't think it will be hard to describe them uniquely."
Lazarus snrks. "Oh, if you must. But, er - if you don't mind - I would like a six to protect myself against potential icebergy discomforts. That's the right denomination for accumulating general magical attributes, isn't it?" he inquires of Libby.
"Yes," says Libby. "I expect it'll be worth you making the introductions at Lator, but if you don't know anyone at the other two, I'm sure Chris and Lazarus can cope. Oh, hmm - if the other houses want to try adult test subjects first, they might not have room for test flights where they are, and if your common local version of teleportation requires actually having been to the place in question, it's likely to be much faster if I just give Chris and Lazarus the version I have in case no one has been to somewhere appropriately remote. Some sixes, please?"