(Was she in Toronto already, or is she getting here by some kind of magic?)
Some kind of magic, it turns out. About five minutes after Chris's niece hung up the phone, a fairly magical person supplied with a number of wishcoins appears in the hallway outside the apartment.
He gets up and goes to answer the door without quite noticing that she hasn't bothered to knock.
She finds herself a seat, within a comfortable conversational distance.
"Has Lazarus said anything to you about exactly how I might try to fix your problem?"
"But he didn't say anything about how the wishing magic works, specifically? How wishes are made?"
"I don't actually know," says Lazarus. "I know they come in coins and I know the coins come from people who make coins but I don't know how you produce them."
"Coins are made out of pain," says Libby. "Which is why it might be relevant how much it hurts to be most of a dragon. Normally, coins being made out of pain is a significant limiting factor, because there aren't many people willing to make them who I'm willing to trust with the ability, and the ones who fit both those criteria aren't willing to make very many. But from what you've said, if I gave you the ability to make coins, you'd have a much easier time of it coming up with enough of them to complete a lot of dragons."
"I still haven't seen anyone make a coin," Lazarus points out. "But I'd guess the same way you'd guess. For however much that's worth."
"I will be a lot happier about trying to solve your problem if I'm spending coins you create without much trouble instead of taking them out of my limited and limitedly renewable supply. But once I give you the ability to make coins, I can't take it away again," she says. "So if I do, I'd like you to think very carefully about how else you use it. Wishes can do a lot of things, and it's important to use them responsibly. Does that seem reasonable?"
On each word, a dark purple coin appears in her hand, and she sets them out in a row on Lazarus's coffee table - triangle, square, pentagon, hexagon, each with a hole through the centre.
"Sevens are different." She shows Ehail a dark purple seven-pointed star, but vanishes it again without putting it down. "The other kinds of coin are safe to use as far as I can tell, but without special preparation, wishing on a seven can have disastrous consequences. I've heard of things like someone losing the left half of their body, or exploding with enough force to destroy the house they were standing in at the time. I know how to safely use a seven, but because they're the most powerful kind of coin, I try to make sure that as few other people as possible find out."
Libby smiles slightly. "I like to think so. All right. I think the most sensible order of operations here would be to design a wish, see if small change" (she gestures to the row of coins on the table) "will do the trick, and if not, I'll make you a mint - someone who can create wishcoins - and see if you can produce them easily enough to be happier about forking over a seven than my next best source."