"Oh, hello," he says. "That's interesting. I finished fixing all the doomed babies! I didn't make any green-group uniques, but lots of unusuals, and plenty of uniques in the other groups. You might have to find a new word."
"That," he says, with a gesture that takes in Keo and her elf. "Your mind... thingy. I saw it earlier but I wasn't really paying attention and didn't pick up on the details; it's much clearer with both of you in the room."
"That... is a depressing statistic," says Lazarus, blinking. "You're welcome. I - hmm - I forgot to keep track of the time, oh dear. Do you happen to know both what time it is now and what time it was when I first talked to you?"
"I am somewhat late, in that case. Thank you! Bye!"
And back to where he left the miracle couple on the bottom of the world.
And back to where he left the miracle couple on the bottom of the world.
Well then. He's just going to assume they're all right. They can fly, after all.
The single-minded purposeful energy that carried him through the un-dooming of almost three hundred babies has begun to fade. He could go track down Kaylo again, and ask him strange questions about the draconic aging lack-of-process. Or he could go track down Libby and find out what arrangements she's making for housing the three of them while they wait for Milliways.
He does the second thing.
The single-minded purposeful energy that carried him through the un-dooming of almost three hundred babies has begun to fade. He could go track down Kaylo again, and ask him strange questions about the draconic aging lack-of-process. Or he could go track down Libby and find out what arrangements she's making for housing the three of them while they wait for Milliways.
He does the second thing.
Here Ends This Thread