There goes that mildly alarming mind magic. Excellent. Lazarus manages to only bounce impatiently a tiny little bit.
"Hmm. I don't have anywhere in mind especially," he says. "I can teleport to the baby dragons if someone tells me where they are. Oh, and I suppose you would be a good person for me to inform that shrens are not contagious anymore, I bet the dragon council will want to know that too."
"Yes," he says. "I'm not actually sure that every single shren has been dragoned yet, just the ones in the houses and the babies out of the houses that the council told me about, but even the ones that aren't and any future ones won't be contagious now, I did that just recently. It seemed helpful."
"Enough to distinguish it from other places. An address will work if there aren't two places with that address containing potentially imperiled baby dragons."
"It's easier to use addresses," he says. "Not because of an inherent limitation of the magic, just because it's easier for me to think 'go to such-and-such an address' than 'go to next youngest endangered baby'. And people will probably be likelier to open their doors for me if they already know who I am and what I'm doing there, and I should probably warn people before I start turning their babies into uniques - that's not necessary for saving them, it just happens not to cost any more magic than turning them into normal amounts of dragon. But yes, I could do that."
"Yes. So I heard," he says. "I think I might just not. Are green-group slightly-extra-amounts-of-dragon dangerous the same way?"
"Oh good," he says. "Okay then. I should - let's see - there's bound to be more than fifty endangered babies in the world; I should go see if the miracle generator wants to give me any more... Can you contact me if anyone needs a baby rescued immediately while I'm busy doing that? Otherwise I will need to come up with some kind of clever magical solution for letting any of a very large number of dragons get in touch with me at a moment's notice, and nothing is springing to mind. And do you know how many potentially endangered babies there are? In rough estimate, at least?"
"I found out why dragon babies die mysteriously and I can tell which ones it's going to happen to and then fix it," he says. "But it takes one eight per baby - it can't be done in batches. And I don't have enough to fix all of them that exist right now. So - um - can I have some more please?"
And now - well, as Keo pointed out, he can just teleport to all dragon babies in the dangerous age bracket, oldest first. He'll need to explain the situation to some of them, but he's had decent luck with that so far. And if they prove intractable, now that he knows what he's doing, he can just quietly save their children and move on.
To the house of the oldest endangered dragon baby!