"I imagine there are a lot of things that would be easier with my very own planet. No rush on that, though. When are you going to make your announcement to the house?"
"And when's dinner? I'd like to attend the announcement if it's convenient, but I'd also like to go check up on Ehail and Lazarus and Chris."
She teleports to the Keppine house.
Does any of them look like Ehail, is the question. Or look like they can spare the attention to tell her where Ehail might be found.
She pauses and watches him for a few seconds, evaluating whether or not this is something she can help with.
Onward she goes.
"I'd help, if this were my world, but I don't have those kinds of connections here. If you decide to try making money with wishcoin magic and want some help with that, though, I'd be happy to consult."
"That does sound handy. In case it comes up, I should also mention that any adult miracle who doesn't know what they want to do yet is welcome to talk to me about moving to my world to mint for me if that seems like an appealing option. Or, for that matter, moving to my world to take some miscellaneous other job. I have a lot of connections at home and can probably come up with something to fit just about anybody's interests. What do you know about local interworld transport magic, by the way?"
"There are a lot of adult miracles. You might spend a lot of time doing job interviews if that gets generally known... I could probably find at least one or two basic summoning and sending spells within my capacity. But I can't send you directly home because this isn't your native world, so the sending won't work. And I can't unsummon you because I didn't summon you."
"Good to know. I don't think I'll mind spending a lot of time doing job interviews," she says. "I enjoy that sort of thing. So your interworld transport magic is - temporary? Conditional? In the sense that someone who is sent stays sent for some amount of time and comes back when they stop being sent, and the reverse for summoning? In that case Milliways is probably a better choice for permanent migration, but the local version might still win for commuting."
"That seems potentially troublesome. Well, maybe the practical problems can be worked out."