And he's off to the next oldest baby.
He waves goodbye to the youngest baby and returns to the iceberg ledge to see if Quaro or anyone who might be willing to give Quaro his crystal back is nearby.
Unfortunately Quaro does not seem to be paying much attention to the iceberg. And Lazarus isn't sure he wants to interrupt. He looks around for somewhere to leave the crystal where it will be out of the way enough not to get stepped on or kicked over the edge, but still visible to passersby.
He identifies a likely-looking cranny, but decides that he might as well stick around to converse with the adorable baby a little, so the crystal can stay in his pocket for now.
The little dragon licks him on the cheek, probably affectionately given the context, and flutters up to chase a large lazily gliding amethyst. Said large lazily gliding amethyst listens, then turns into a ptarmigan and flies down and then turns into a dwarf again. "Belthee said you wanted to see me."
"I came to give you your crystal back," he says, handing it over. "I didn't mean to interrupt your flying, but then Belthee offered to go get you and I found it very difficult to turn him down, on account of he's adorable."
And he's off.
"My friend who sees magic could potentially help with that," she says. "So could wishcoins, for that matter. A model of the planet that shows little flags wherever there's a shren would only take a five."