Tasara doesn't know what the Domain was thinking, sending this girl here. Either they're more desperate than she thought, or this girl is extremely foolhardy. Likely the latter. She's, hm, maybe three years out of training, judging by her stamina. Not much finesse, but exuberance in abundance, and a stubborn refusal to admit she's outmatched. If they were further from the city Tasara would flatten her, but the goal is defense, not destruction.
"A little. I cared more about the city than I did about this... forest." She indicates the general destruction around them.
"Yesss!" She pumps her fist in triumph. "The other guys had some neat stuff too. Like that, uh, fireball thing. What did that feel like?"
"...I think sixty-three or so? Our year lengths might be different, you do not look even remotely sixty-eight unless your people age slower or you're using an anti-aging technique."
"Unlikely. They mostly avoid making big waves, so no one makes too great an effort to end them anyways."
"Yes. There's not much else I can do to destroy the rest of the evidence, unfortunately..."
"He has allies I'd rather not know I was involved, or even that anything happened here."
"Eh, they're not for everyone, especially not hard-hitters like you guys. It's why teams are a good idea."
"Yeah, like my combat instructor Eliese blew up half a continent one time, all by herself. She's like two hundred though, so she's super strong."