"I'm sure we have lots of knowledge that you don't have but I'm less sure of how much of it transfers. Guessing from your apparent technology level, we're probably ahead of you in most if not all sciences. Your physics is almost certainly different, if you have a flat world. Your chemistry might or might not be -- I think some of it relies on physics, but I'm not enough of a scientist to guess how that will impact it. Our medicine will probably work for some but not all of your species, although if you can do resurrection with your magic system you might also be able to do better healing. We have technology that you don't have -- I don't know for certain which technologies you do have, actually, that would probably be good to figure out. None of our theology applies. Philosophy might be interesting -- have you invented consequentialism yet? I suppose you might not know -- but also might not be relevantly knowledge, depending on his preferences. We probably have lots of interesting ideas about economics and law and that sort of thing. Our mathematics doesn't strictly have to be ahead of you, I don't think, but it probably is -- actually, wait, I think there are some proofs that only work with computer access."
He pauses. "There's also summoning knowledge. I would be very wary of giving someone like him that power; even if he can in theory make and change and move things, he probably doesn't know how to do it as destructively as we do, and unlike with technology sharing it would be hard to control what he learns once he has it. In theory this is mitigable with a carefully-done gag if we don't teach him how to summon any other way. In practice that would be very risky."
He scratches his head. "Of course, that assumes that summoning works normally here. If I was really the first, that seems strange, but I might not have been. Summoning was known only to a handful of people for thousands of years in my world. In any case, it shouldn't be hard to test."
He duplicates a Safe Summoning Authority fairy circle and makes some chalk to fill in the gap.