Someone else who got snaked is here! presumably at least one of these kissing men is a past snake victim!
Oh my god Lúthien put us outside this building please.
"Yeah, it's a golem. The model is named Charp. Hi, Charp."
"Hello, sir," says Charp.
"Most of them don't talk. Even Charps are not sapient."
"That seems wholly for the good. Is servantmaking one of those that only works locally?"
"Bella, have you checked whether people who aren't from an adjacent world can make wishes if they're doing so in an adjacent world?"
He nods. "Is there a - summary packet, or something like that, on what the galaxy's doing and what projects are open until you find a magic system better suited to them, there has to be a priority list..."
"Yeah, although I'm not immediately sure where to get a copy on paper; do you know how to use computers?"
"I have heard of them; Earth has them. I think we sent diplomatic envoys who could probably help me through it."
"Earth is going to need a unique name too, there's two others of those. Uh, format compatibility's an issue but whenever Cam gets here he can make something that works for whatever you've got."
"Why you what? Why I invited you here? Why not you? Yous are involved in multiverse stuff and your Maedhros is in a bad way and Bella indicated that she'd be able to fetch you."
"How are mes typically involved in multiverse stuff, we did not come up when you talked politics."
"Less summarizably, obviously." Are we not telling Gem and Joy that you and your Maedhros are an item, or are you in fact not for some reason, or what?
They already know; Lúthien's teleport bounced them in on us, at one point. Are Bells also all gay?
No, just me and apparently Gem. And I was straight when I was a girl if you want to get technical, it'd probably make more sense to call me androphilic. But we're all cool with it.
He nods levelly. "Lúthien, do you mind bouncing me home while we wait for the news to spread? I want to report to my King and perhaps grab Maedhros after all."
"That surprises me not in the slightest. It's among the things I'm finding myself underequipped to navigate, here, which is why I am tempted to go get my cousin."
Pop. Pop. She takes Bella too, just to be safe. They land back in Fingon's castle and she raises an eyebrow at him. "You don't trust him?"
So, he says to his father, this is interesting...and he sends the whole interaction -
" not sure. He's eliding a lot. He might have good reasons. Bella, were you satisfied by that explanation of how he knows he's an alternate universe version of you -"
"It's believable... I didn't prompt him for the 'three questions' thing and I do find him - very easy to follow along with when he talks? I can probably get him to tell me whatever he's skipping, if he's on the up and up. ...He's in very good condition for somebody out of Angband, isn't he?"
"Yes, he is. I'd say 'implausibly so' but I don't know how long it's been or what magic they've got but - it was several centuries before Maedhros was comfortable being touched, and Maedhros came out of it significantly more functional than the median.
- the problem is that if we leave you with him to get whatever's being elided and he's not on the up-and-up you don't have a teleport out, and he said he has one himself and can presumably hop over to wherever's in the vicinity of his powerful friends -
-I want to show the interaction to Maedhros and see if he can give me a guess on trustworthiness, but it's the kind of thing he might refuse to do..."