Someone else who got snaked is here! presumably at least one of these kissing men is a past snake victim!
Oh my god Lúthien put us outside this building please.
"Um. ...well, I already took 'Gem' so being a magic rock can't be your distinguishing feature..."
"Song. But I don't know if that's a distinguishing feature yet, I don't know my other ones..."
"You already sang things when we met, so I'm assuming that that's probably typical... people have titled the happiness song a bunch of things to conveniently talk about it, I think the best title is 'Joy'? D'you want to be Joy? They might all have the song but you've probably run with it more than average."
"Cool." He updates the summary. "Uh, other templates we like to look in on particularly are mostly Noldor, how are your Noldor doing."
"Ah, damn, one of those was using that as his identifying nickname, they will both have to pick something else - uh - how is he -"
"Yeah. How's his Findekáno - what year are you in anyway, all the Ardas are different times -"
"Four hundred third year of the Sun - do you mean Fingon - he's the crown prince but they're Noldor so their politics are really complicated, he's got mind-control powers but he swore not to use them without consent - I guess he's all right, I think the war was really hard on the Noldor..."
"Wow, that's the chronologically latest Arda yet. And yeah, Fingon's the Thindarin. He made a wish too?"
"You on terms with Fingon such that you could drop in and tell him this crazy story and maybe get him to show up to the gathering?"
"...I'll write him a letter, if he thinks you should bring Maedhros too I won't contradict him."
This is probably about the thing where they're secretly lovers but she shouldn't say it just in case all the other sets are also secretly lovers. Though Kib has a boyfriend himself. "We can bring a letter."
"Got a while before anybody gets the news unless I go fetch somebody specifically. Might want to osanwë me pictures of reasonable landing places in the worlds between here and there in case you don't show up and need rescuing or something."
So she sends where they landed in the demons world, and then she sends a few places in her Arda, and then she sends some places on Earth and on Mîr.