"That's not translating," says the green. "I'll be interested to learn what it is. Anyway, some things are polluted. The primary pollutants are: waste from people - that's defined formally as substances the body actively rejects, which is in our case - you might be different - vomit, urine, pus, and feces, and the products of coughing and sneezing in a sick person, but not blood, tears, sweat, saliva, healthy people's mucus, hair that happens to fall out, shed skin cells - those all leave the body for other reasons. Historical cultures have considered some of those things polluted but as we've learned more we've concluded that they aren't. Another primary pollutant is corpses. You can tell a story about this originally having to do with people who died of disease still being contagious, but it applies even if they died for other reasons, like accident or an allergy attack - the body is still polluted. And there's reds. Reds are Amentans, and red is an Amentan caste, but the red jobs are ones that involve dealing specifically with pollution. Plumbing, corpsetaking, we also have them take away ordinary nonbiohazardous garbage but in principle purples could do that. Over enough generations of this, the pollution became ineradicable from the reds themselves. They're conceived polluted, born polluted, polluted all their lives, and can't wash it off in the shower the way other people can. So jobs having to do with reds that don't strictly have to be done by clean people are also the province of reds."