Jilia doesn't actually intend for a long committee session for Rights, given their morning and their day, but she heads toward the room anyway at the appropriate hour. If nothing else, she wants to give some congratulations to the people who got the limited censorship bill passed.
"I see."
She does not see. She can tell that the Archduchess is hinting about who should be the leader of such a group, and it has not yet entered her head that it might be her.
"To be clear, I was planning to praise you just as much regardless. You earned all of it, and deserved to notice that; people are already looking to you, and they will keep doing so, unless you go out of your way to stop speaking. You're one of the twenty most influential people in the convention already, and will be whatever you do. But here are people asking for a leader, and it ought to be you."
" - oh."
...well, they should pick a name other than 'radicals', first of all, that's like the least sympathetic name possible for 'what if you didn't destroy normal people's lives'.
"Well - " she'll turn to Enric, actually - "What exactly are you looking for?"
“I don’t know exactly what it looks like. Never done one of these before.”
He asked Jilia first because she knows things like ‘what does the leader of a politics faction actually do’ and has the resources to actually do it. But he’ll try his best to answer.
“I just see that, right now, the… party for the Commons, I think that’s the new name, is running around with no direction. There’s noble groups who have goals and make plans and then work together on those plans. Half the time we’re basically just throwing tiny rocks at these big plans, and the other half of the time we’re mistakenly flailing at each other. Sometimes someone, usually you, stands up and makes a speech that changes things. But that’s all in the moment. I don’t know how someone fixes that, but I think having a leader helps.”
"I'll help. I'll give you advice on what to do, and resources, and staff, and tell you when there are fights I think it won't help to pick. But you should be the spokeswoman, and I think you should be making the final decisions. Should I explain why?"
"It might give me more context." The idea of a group of delegates asking her to make the final decisions about what they do is insane, but if the Archduchess means to help her organize talking to people - well, she probably shouldn't be passing that up.
"Three reasons. One, the thing that unifies most of this group, and in that I include the people who have no leadership and would look to you and them for it, is that you're all commoners. We care about things for many reasons, but I care about this because I have principles and principled allies. You, and most of the people we'd be leading, care because you are commoners, and it directly affects you. I guess what is best for my people, and I'm a good guesser, but I am still often wrong. You would have to guess much less."
"Two, the most dangerous thing that could happen to this party, politically, would be for it to be branded the Valia Wain Loyalists, because the convention hates and fears her. And you're nothing of the kind."
"Three. You're the better speaker, to this audience. Oh, I can translate things for the nobility and their interests, and I will, if you ask me to. But the first thing that ought to be done is to talk to our own, and in a hall this large, that's a skill of its own, one you absolutely have and which I'm only passable at."
"I will help you organize. I will give you funds, advice, protection. I am not handing you a responsibility and expecting you to complete it yourself. But if this is to succeed, the leader needs to be you, not me."
Well, the only thing that beats a Duchess's protection is an Archduchess's protection. It's not like she was about to shut up anyway. Odds are they all disagree with her and leave, but that's no different than before. They'll probably all die, if they try to do something, but she's at least not going to tell them to kill anyone. Maybe that'll help.
"We'll need a place to talk, outside the convention hall."
She was really expecting this to be harder.
"We will, and I have some thoughts. Many taverns have a meeting room in the back or a second floor; I could lease one near the convention hall. Or I could just lease another space for meetings or dinner parties, but I like the tavern idea best so far."
"We say anything that matters, and people are going to start spying on us. But yeah, all right. If you find us a place, we can invite some people and - start talking through what the commons want. If you want me, I'll be there."
Jilia smiles warmly. "Excellent. I'll look into it tonight. ...There is one thing I'd like to ask privately."
"Of course." Rapidly going through everything this could possibly be and not actually coming up with any possibilities to go through.
They have a leader! They’re going to have somewhere to meet in, probably safer than the cafe!
“Thank you. To both of you.”
“Before we leave so you can talk privately, Victoria had a question about something you said on the floor earlier? If you aren’t in a hurry to talk and then get to another committee.”
Ugh. This will not remotely show on her face but ugh.
"Now is fine, I suppose. What was your question, Avenger?"
"Oh. Uh. It's not urgent or anything, if you two want to talk I can try to remember to ask tomorrow, I was just wondering — so Delegate Porras explained to me that you're not actually like a normal archduke, you started out as just a normal person in the city, but sometimes you still have to say things that sound like normal noble things so the other archdukes don't get mad at you. Except — I'm still confused about what you were saying about Pezzack last week? Because — it doesn't seem like the sort of thing you'd need to say just to fool the other archdukes, that Pezzack shouldn't have rebelled—
—uh, but like I said already this isn't an urgent question."
Victòria does not really think she explained that very well but she's not sure how to explain it better.
"I think Pezzack rebelled too soon. They say, in war, that you should not start a war until you are ready to win it. This goes double for a rebellion, because the price of failure is much higher. And that price falls on everyone around you, not just on your army, because there is no line where your army ends and your neighbors begin. Pezzack got very, very lucky that the Four-Day War began when it did, or they would have been slaughtered; it would have been better to wait. Probably, at least, according to the best information I have. I admit I exaggerated my confidence in that, because someone needed to speak against Valia on short notice to make sure a riot didn't start right then and there, which none of us wanted."
She was in fact always a noble, but correcting that misconception is not the important thing here.
"—I don't think they got a choice? At least, that's not what Valia said — the Asmodeans got mad and tried to kill a bunch of innocent people who hadn't even broken any laws, not even the bad ones, it's not like they picked that time."
Jilia shrugs. "I don't know what the city was like that night, just what it was like the week before, and then months later after the blockade broke. There's always a choice, but maybe it was the right one. If twice as many rose that day when they were provoked, as would have if they waited five years, then likely it was the best chance they'd ever get. If the rebellion has already started, and it's big enough that you and all your neighbors will be crushed even if you don't go along, then it's right to throw everything you have behind it. But you have a choice, as a leader, and you're making it for everyone around you, so you have to be very damn careful about it."
That's definitely a lot less awful than thinking Pezzack should have just stayed Asmodean. It's like — she didn't immediately go try to kill her priest and all her nobles the moment she realized Asmodeanism was bad, she didn't even kill him the moment she found out the country had been taken over, she waited for the priest to lose his powers first, and she's pretty sure it was wrong to wait as long as she did but that doesn't mean it would've been a good idea when she was thirteen. And it's not like she knew about Pezzack before Valia told her, it makes sense that Delegate Bainilus wouldn't have known either.
"That's all I was wondering about, thank you."
She leaves Korva and Delegate Bainilus alone.
Then she'll turn back to Korva. "Is there anything you need immediately, Miss Tallandria? Funds, a clerk or two, a bodyguard? ...My spare bodyguards are probably worse than you can get from the President."
"I'm afraid I don't know exactly what the responsibilities of an informal leader of the commons are." Long-term safety is what she needs most fundamentally, and even in the short term she's not going to manage security through obscurity much longer, but she's... afraid of the government... and also of people who become bodyguards... so the concept is on sort of shaky ground. She would like money, obviously, but not for any particular reason.
"I guess if I have to pick something - information? Not about what's happening in the convention, about what's happening in the country. I don't have a list right now, but - if we want to argue things, we're going to have to know what's going on. I guess that's not immediate."
"I can get people working on it. Most of my network has been about trade or rebelliousness in the cities. I do want you to have whatever sets you up to succeed, here, and I was prepared to offer quite a bit more if you needed a bribe. But actually what I wanted privacy for was a gift I want to insist on: New clothes. Not noble fashions, I don't think we even want guildmaster, but you look like a poor laborer with no education or social class, and just because it's part-true doesn't mean it won't get in the way of persuading people. Open your mouth and no one underestimates you, but before you do? They might not bother to listen. So. New clothes. I'll pick a ladies' tailor and get you three sets. I'm paying, and no obligation whatsoever."