Somewhere across the infinite faceted foam of reality, there is a chocolate factory.
Most of it is humming away as usual, but where an elevator lobby once stood is a surreal, newly-formed cavity. It looks like an explosion in, well, a chocolate factory. Great gusts of smoke billow out of the wreckage, bitter clouds mingling with the characteristically luscious-smelling air. Severed cables spark in the gloom, surrounded by colorful heaps of spilled sweets and thick puddles of treacle, all generously sugared with gently falling plaster dust. Even now, an efficient team of suited Oompa-Loompas is picking through this strange and silent moonscape.
And, yes—as they begin their careful work, those Oompa-Loompas have raised their voices in song:
Mayday! Mayday! And S.O.S.!
We find ourselves in some distress!
The boss has had an accident,
and we're quite puzzled where he went!
Perhaps he's in a better place,
like Panama or outer space,
or fallen far enough to see
the backrooms of reality?
Or maybe not! He may be dead.
We'll have to manage in his stead.
And what a shame for such a gent
to perish in an incident
forewarned by signs so bright and wide
a fish could read them if it tried!
For all he loved to ogle books,
he never spared such longing looks
for Rules—perhaps their prose lacked wit;
Perhaps he was a hypocrite
who thought as boss he was exempt,
and viewed such guidelines with contempt?
With due respect (we'll say it nice)
We have some pertinent advice:
You cannot be too high to fall!
The posted signs include us all!
So if you see them, don't be daft—
Avoid the elevator shaft!