Sadde in Pact
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Of course she will solemnly bow, too, she's not stupid.


For a god, the Lord isn't very showy. The sense of gravity stays and there's an unearthly light glowing from the altar, but there's more ambience than overt magic. There's no divine appearance or verbal message, but more of a sensation of Welcome, Sadde Woods, to my city.


"I thank you, my Lord. I have brought a gift."


There's no immediate Lordly response, but one of the priests beckons her toward the altar.


Well she does as instructed, naturally.


Her sacrifice is consumed in a burst of flame. The light dims until it's overshadowed by the normal incandescent bulbs, and the sense of significance in the air goes back to normal.
The sensation about welcome intensifies when the vial of Bob gets accepted, then it fades. 

Soon they're standing in an ordinary room. One of the accompanying people apparently recognized the gift. "Power he has already, but it looks like he accepted it in the spirit it was meant."


She bows, again. "Does he desire anything more of me?"


"He knows you're here, and that you've observed the tradition of telling him so. If he needs anything from you, he'll let you know or send someone."


She nods. "Thank you, then. I shall take my leave."


The building's physically incarnate occupants show her out with a normal Canadian amount of politeness, rather than a magic cult level of ceremony.


Thank you thank you!

...oh for that matter do they have a Council Meeting or something here, too?


This month's has already happened, so there's plenty of time until the next one, but yes. It'll be back here— one of the perks of being a Lord.


Naturally! She will likely show up when it comes. And are there any other noteworthy places and people she should be aware of? Perhaps, she asks with some hope, a magic library?


Magic libraries mostly aren't a thing. People with knowledge tend to hoard it; why would they give away their source of power? (Priests can afford to be critical. Their own sources of power are perfectly capable of declining to be used.) If there's an exception somewhere where people are trying out free sharing, it wouldn't be here. Cities reflect their Lords, and this one started out as a merchant spirit.


...really, a merchant spirit? Would he be willing to discuss economics with her at some point?


...talking directly to gods is usually best left for the relevant priests. Many Others tend to be set in their ways, and gods can have particularly complex and insistent ways to be set in, and they're definitely among the worst to accidentally offend.

Which isn't a no, but they reiterate Hélène's warning from earlier that the personal attention of a god can be a mixed blessing.


Hmmm... perhaps talk to a priest first? Do this god's priests have any interest in economics?


They can probably find someone. (Most priests are pretty leery of talking to the god for trivial reasons; divine favor is their stock in trade. But there's probably someone who'd be at least somewhat interested even absent the request... they can probably find someone.)


Oh she doesn't necessarily mean to talk to the god yet, just, you know, priests of an ex-merchant-spirit god sound like a good sounding board for... ideas.


Then they can put the word out and get in touch when someone's interested, or she can come back any time.


That sounds like a splendid idea!


They'll look forward to it. Good relationships with other practitioners: always a plus.

And with their boss formally not objecting to Sadde, she's achieved her other purpose here.


Yes. And now: her mundane job.


Is mundane and boring, as expected. Great practice for blending in, though.

A couple weeks in, on the road between work and the boarding house, some questionable individuals repeatedly turn up a distance behind. Might have gotten away with it too, if not for Sadde having spent several years seeing things just out of the corner of their eye. Tall, grim-faced, they look pretty physically capable, and they could have anything hidden inside those long coats. The fact that they're practitioners suggests it's Sadde specifically they're following.


Of course. So confronting them is right out, isn't it? Do they follow him all the way home?

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