"This proposal is not cheap in terms of risk. It would be extremely risky, for very little obvious benefit even if it goes perfectly. In the ideal circumstance, it returns to being a chair and remains in the Foundation facility it is currently in, does not attack any Foundation employees even if they accidentally startle or distress it, and does not go into the containment for any other skips. I suppose we could remove any critical work from that facility, so that it does not risk causing a problem if it startles someone at an inopportune moment. It would likely lower the quality of life for all Foundation employees in that facility, which is not a minor concern as morale is very difficult to keep up. The suicide rate amount Foundation employees is very high. But I suppose the employees in that facility could be replaced with ones who have high morale for other reasons or would not be bothered by the teleporting skip. But, even in that ideal circumstance, what have we gained? A potential increase in happiness for a skip? But we don't know that would increase its happiness. It seems to need to serve a purpose. It can serve a purpose as mulch without encountering any humans, who we know scare it. If it returned to being a chair, it may have to encounter humans and be significantly more distressed than it is now."