Oh good morning Lady Shelyn.  Dawn already?  You've got to tell Desna to be more creative, I had that same dream again where I'm in the Soldiers of Hell costume but the set and the rest of the cast's obviously Summer, Autumn.  I don't know if She means anything by it and it's not exactly a nightmare, but it's so similar every time.  It's starting to feel really awkward to have any of the feelings I have about Enric when he's the same age in the dream as he was during the play!  I'm past thirty!  Let's at least have some dream-Enrics who are his real age, if I can't have the real man altogether!

I know it must have to be dawn for some very rigid reason because Everyone does it this way but it's so early.  I think it would be nicer if it were noon.  I'd be awake.  We could have lunch together.  I saw edible flowers at the grocer's today and I didn't get them but I would if I were having lunch with You, at least on Sundays.  I'd Light my glass of water and toast You with it.  I suppose I can do that anyway.  I think I want all the same cantrips today, I cast them all and didn't wish I had different ones and I think Songbird Gabriel likes a nonoverlapping set so he's got us covered.  Light and Scrivener's and Virtue and Detect Magic.  It's fun to watch all the magic auras in the convention hall, I don't know why Gabriel didn't like my idea that he should try painting the archmage in full aura.  Should I learn to paint?  I know I'm supposed to take up a new craft when I've 'mastered' the first but I can't help but think that's got to be a misunderstanding at some remove.  Who masters anything?  There's always more!  Anyway, i don't think I'd do painting next, I think I like the little crafty things where you make something that isn't flat.  The dollmaking class we had to pull together was fun.  Maybe I'll learn to whittle?  I'd have been worried about nicking myself but Somebody made sure I didn't need to worry about that ever again!  I love Youuuuu <3

I keep thinking about Lady Eriape.  I wasn't really thinking about this at the time, I have to admit - to You if not necessarily anyone else! - that I mostly just really want to dress up as her and sing her song to a crowd.  It would be so thrilling.  The buzz around her pamphlets is something else, I think it would be an incredible bit of theater.  But thinking it over with You now I think it's also just a legitimate redemption opportunity.  If there were a lich who wanted to put her evil deeds behind her and go on as an amnestied law-abiding peaceful member of society, isn't this exactly what it would look like in every way?  And I think - it would work less well, wouldn't it, bringing people up to the light, if it were a terrible chore.  Not because fewer people would try to do it as a chore but because -  you can tell!  I don't know how well liches can tell, I don't know very much about liches or what exactly is usually the matter with them because it seems possibly more complicated than just having at one time been a living wizard who was willing to do murders, but in the general case you can tell if someone is trying to help you out of duty because that's the way they're supposed to do things, you can tell if someone says 'let's run it again from line ninety-five' because somebody's fucked up their cue as opposed to because there's another few minutes available and they really love line ninety-eight... it's like that.  I want Lady Eriape to be good and loved and happy and some Sarenrite - I know you're friends with the Dawnflower but I just don't personally get it from down here, You can explain it and introduce me properly when I come home to You maybe? - some Sarenrite could go, okay, here's the playbook by which I try to redeem people, we'll start with item one... but I can meet her on genuinely wanting an opera of her life staged!  I think that's better.

It's very risky.  I know that now that things aren't happening so fast and improvisationally.  I know it's even riskier than dealing with somebody who definitely just kills people normally.  But what if I'm the only person in the world who's excited enough about her song?  She's got a SONG, Shelyn!  And if she decided to turn me into an undead creature so I can't come home, yeah, that would be really bad, but she's done it to herself and I want HER to be okay too, I want her to get to go home and meet all the badgers in Nirvana.  And also I really really REALLY want to play her in the dramatized autobiography.  Okay?  Okay.  Should I get a Detect Undead... no that seems rude under the circumstances actually.  Detect Good again please.  And a Shield in the domain slot because I do feel very bad about having attracted her attention while poor Eloi was in the room and would like to have been able to get him behind me and do anything about that if it turned sour... aaaaand... Nightingale or Skim, Nightingale or Skim... let's go with Skim, I have so little time to sit down with a good book I need to make it count especially if I need to spend any of that hour reviewing my committee notes!  I'll go through all my accumulated Badgers too, material for the show...

I should write another sermon, I think the last one went over well, though I'm not all the way through Gabriel's book of them and won't be for like a year even if I don't start over again from the beginning once I'm back in Ostenso.  But the convention's started up again and I've just oodles of appointments so it might be awhile.  What do You think I should write it about?  I feel like there's - definitely things that need saying about love, but... I'm not really credible on it, am I, I've never gotten anywhere with being in love in love and don't have my own children - does Eloi count?  I guess Eloi sort of counts but he'll tell anyone who asks "Laia's not my mother, she's my director", which is very adorable but does go to underscore the point that I'm a tragically stand-alone sort of person.  I might have had a brother like You, or a sister, once upon a time, but how could I ever find out?  What would that be like?  I think I wind up thinking of You kind of like an older sister.  Maybe I'll ask all the other Songbirds if they wind up imagining You in any particular relationship to them and see if there's a pattern I can sermonize on a little bit.

Coming up on an hour already!  One of these days You've got to join me for lunch... now though I think I need a little more sleep.  I'll see You tomorrow.