Treble Cir lands on a very suspicious Maitimo
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"Can you eat these too?"


"Yeah. It's all Valian."


He tries the grass that she picked.


Savory and crunchy.


"I like how you can eat the whole garden even though it's so pretty."


"Yeah, Valinor sounds nice that way.


My dad thought about killing us when my mom died, so I could grow up there instead."


"- like, hundreds of years later?"


"Yeah. Or thousands, whenever the Valar got around to it."


"...well, I guess he didn't do it."


"Yeah. I don't know why not, he got as far as asking for permission and everything."




" - uh, usually you're not allowed to murder people. Something like that would be a special case but in general it's against the rules."


"I mean I figured if you want to murder someone you would just do it."


" That'd be awful."


"I mean. Yeah. But he had a good reason to be thinking about it, right?"


" - so the way I'd think about it would be that there are, like, four or five good reasons not to kill people. One is that they'll be worse off, which is probably not true if you're killing them in Himring to raise in Valinor. One is that their family and loved ones will be worse off, which in this case was the opposite - it'd be better for my mom if she hadn't missed so much of my childhood, it's going to be very hard for her to be okay with it. One is that their community will be worse off. I think my community would be worse off if I died, I do chores and I'm useful and people like me and Lord Maedhros gave me this assignment. 

And then one is that other people will be scared they might get murdered, and one is that it's wrong to break a law. And those two are only a problem if you kill someone without permission. So on the whole on balance it's okay to kill someone in a situation like that one if you have permission, but not if you don't, I don't think."


"Huh. I guess that kind of makes sense."


"How does reincarnation work exactly?"


"I don't know exactly. But approximately when we die our souls get born into a new life. And it happens to animals too and souls aren't always the same species."


" - huh. It seems like it'd be hard to decide when to die? Since you don't know if the next thing will be better or worse?"


"...humans don't decide that. I don't think strangers do either. But the idea is it's a nicer thing if you are a better person in your life."


"And Eru decides that?"


"What's an aru?"


"Uh, the creator of the universe, is he the person who decides how good people have been? Because it seems like sometimes that'd be hard to evaluate."


"Oh, nobody's evaluating it, it just happens by itself - like, if you do bad things you make your soul worse and then it winds up in a chicken, or something."

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