A practitioner and Elves in Arda
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What happens if you just ignore an overwhelming number of contacts, stop turning them off, and try to work through them?


You can work through a few summonings if you're determined. It feels like you're being pulled in several directions from the inside, and not doing anything about that is more of a project than whatever you're ignoring it in favor of. Past the low single digits, you can't even muster the presence of mind to move and the other practitioners stop the test.

They can be pretty confident the Enemy isn't just ignoring five thousand of these. Unfortunately.


Everyone is surprised this isn't weaponized more in Amber's world.


The main reason is because practitioners near-uniformly pay too much attention to tradition. This just isn't done, and when it is done it's as emergency communication. Also, no one has a literal army of practitioners. Assigning ten or so people to shut down one opponent isn't the best use of ten people when you're less outclassed than "evil god." Maybe there's some other reason as well, but nothing's coming to mind.


It's a few weeks later that Melkor leaves Angband.


Targeting Angband might not help anything, but is there a clear shot for an enchanted barrage at him?


Probably. He's easy to spot to a practitioner's eye. He's marching south.


Making it easy, then.

Amber votes for taking the shot, both for the obvious reason and because if he's going south he has a destination to interrupt. But if there's time, this is exactly the kind of thing to warn both factions about.


Everyone is warned. 


They take the shot.


Aiming a siege weapon at one person remains inaccurate, but it's easily repeatable and extremely dramatic. Both of which are important contributions for effectiveness.


He deflects the first several, some of them violently, one of them by reflecting it straight back up. But then one hits him, and his physical form crumples like tissue paper.


The dust settles. Nothing's moving.

Amber is not the first one to start cheering, because she doesn't happen to be borrowing anyone's eyes, but catches on quickly.


No way that worked. ...we should have orcs on hand to check if oaths snapped, that's one way to at least be reasonably sure -


If he can be destroyed directly at all– We hit hard.


I know. I just can't really believe -


Wait, there are five thousand people who'd know—

"Melkor, I summon you!" She repeats it several times. The connection snaps into place.

He's alive.



Not surprised. Disappointed, though, obviously. It radiates.


I wish we could quantify how much we just set him back. Aside from stopping whatever he was trying today, I mean, however much of an investment that body was.


Likewise. I have - no idea - not insignificant, I don't think -



Okay, so he's alive and bodiless. Too dangerous to go near? He could really use some mind control from our enchanters...


Incredibly dangerous, probably worth trying.


Ah. One of those.

Unrecognizable Silmarils would have to help, we could do the same to make him incapable of thinking about specific people directly.
You were specializing in enchantment, any new breakthroughs on compulsions? Or on connections to abstract categories; incapable of identifying his opponents with 
us would be a huge win—


Don't think so, but we might be able to convince him that some of his connections in Angband are to enemies -


–which would be all but a death sentence for the minions.

I'll collect some of the elementalists. We'll get something set up to pull the enchanters out quick if there's any warning of things going wrong...


Which it almost certainly will -

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