Demon Edie and Demon Cam in Milliways
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"There's kids on New Valinor in Singularity. If any of the families would want to come here, which I don't know at all."


"That's a reasonable idea, though. So far the only ones I'd had were 'hope the baby gets siblings' or 'test the consistency of alts to a given set of parents.'"


"'d surprise me if my brother's okay having children with half the family likely to miss their entire childhood."


"I didn't say it was a good idea."


"We can at least ask the New Valinor technicians what they think of inviting some families in."


"Yeah, it's not urgent but that does sound like a good idea."


"I will look into it."


"Thanks," she sighs. "Probably it'll be fine one way or another."


"We definitely don't want to take chances."



Come to think of it for a lot of Earth's history it was not unusual to have families living all by themselves in basically the middle of nowhere and the kids didn't turn out worse than the surrounding culture would have predicted--I think, I should do some research..."


"...probably, yeah -"


"Conveniently I am both 'a demon' and 'in Milliways' which should make this highly convenient. Bar, can you recommend me some materials?"


Bar can do that!


Awesome. Edie will do research, then.


He'll check too. Since it's sort of his niece.


A lot of the research is vague and it's not all perfectly consistent, but there is a general consensus that being literally the only child around probably isn't a good idea. And it would probably better if Milliways were a little higher-traffic than it's been lately for at least some of any given childhood. But having large numbers of children around probably isn't necessary. Especially since the kid will be half-elf.


He asks the Singularity people if any families might want to live here.



There are no takers. The Fëanorians are not popular and everyone recently died and is super freaked out.


Not really surprising, that.
"So...we encourage them to give her siblings, I guess. Or we import people from their Earth, or something."


"Encouraging people to have children is - really iffy -"


"I mean, yeah, but she's a me, and--I think I have an okay grasp on how she's different from me--frankly it would be less like applying pressure and more like giving her an excuse. On her end, anyway, I grant that I'm not sure how it would work with her husband."


"Okay, fair."


Any thoughts on how her husband would feel about all this? she asks her fiance.


Uh, I doubt he objects in principle to having children absurdly close together by Elf standards but absurdly close together by Elf standards is, like, ten Years apart?



Well, we can talk to both of them about it. In a non-pressury way.


Yeah. But 'your child will probably end up messed up' is kind of pressure anyway so it'd be good to have a backup plan in hand -

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