Demon Edie and Demon Cam in Milliways
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He laughs delightedly and keeps singing and sends the thoughts for pleasure at encountering something new and curiosity about what it is like to be a giant squid.


It is pleasant to be a giant squid! The squid likes this lake, that is why it has been here for 600,000 years.


That is a long time! Huan is older than that but everyone else Tyelcormo knows is way younger. What's the most interesting thing that has happened to the lake, and were they successful at keeping the silicon dust out?


He relays all this to Edie in case she's curious. 


The lake's seen worse. People do all kinds of crazy shit in the backyard. Fighting's illegal in the bar but not in the yard, so if people want to do anything destructive they come out here. The squid is pretty chill about all that but some of it was interesting to look at. Occasionally people go in the lake and swim with it. All kindsa people of many shapes and sizes.


Illegal? There's daeva in the Bar, how do they enforce that?


Well, the squid's never been in there personally but as it understands it whoever is in the security office Can Take You whoever You are.


...can we go meet them, do they do contract work...


The squid isn't sure on either count.


Then he will have a pleasant but brief exchange with the squid, thank it, and suggest to Edie they head to the security office and meet someone who can take a daeva.


"Makes sense to me." She stands up and brushes computer dust off herself.


In the Security office is a fellow who looks perfectly ordinary and human except for the fact that he's eating a levitating ice cream cone. "Somebody making trouble?" he asks.


"Not in the bar. But there are a couple people in the bar who are - in the dimensions we're familiar with - unstoppable, and one of them happens to like uploading and torturing millions of people and you are apparently by definition qualified to stop that kind of person so I guess we're wondering if you do contract work. Or humanitarian work. Or if there's anything at all you'd be willing to do to help us out."


"Ah, I would, but I met somebody here once who seemed like he'd know and he says if I go visit any worlds that aren't mine all my momentum drains out of me instantly, wouldn't be any good to anybody that way."




"It's a my-magic-system thing, more magic you do the more you get, can't take too many breaks though - I love this place, it puts my momentum on hold while I'm in it, I can relax, read a book."


"And to tap in to your magic system, people've got to be in your dimension?"


"Yeah. I can still do magic here but I can't gain or lose momentum."


"So we've got to figure out directed non-summoning interdimensional transit and then take Melkor to you and then you can - destroy him? remove his powers? What would you be able to do if we were in your home dimension?"


"For the record I am totally up for being a guinea pig but there are limits."


"I can do all kinds of stuff," shrugs the Security guy, "pretty generic really except not being so good at information gathering, but I don't know who this guy is, only have your word for it..."


"Yeah, I wasn't expecting you'd be willing to murder someone on our sayso - your world wouldn't conveniently happen to have oaths, or a way to verify them -"


"No? Not like it sounds like you mean..."


"If I swear something, I'm bound to it. So in my dimension I can credibly say "I swear that Melkor is actively currently torturing so many people that the servers he's using to run their torture on take up fifty square miles, and that I don't know any way to stop him without taking away his demon powers, because he could do it from literally anywhere he might be put." But I can't think how I'd prove that oaths work. And Edie can summon the servers for you but that doesn't prove anything by itself."


"Sounds like you're in a pinch back home. Sorry."


"We're working something out. Well. His dad is."

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