Demon Edie and Demon Cam in Milliways
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They both repeat the confirmation of identity and assurance there were no oaths. "Talked to Cam and my alt. I like them."

"Of course you do, my lord."

"I was actually not expecting to like them! I was expecting them to be - aggressively hostile and vaguely inclined towards death threats and unable to talk about anything other than you, but instead we elucidated some more differences between Ardas and talked about mortals. They were pleased with my enlistment scheme, they thought it was very tidy."

"It is very tidy."

"I have a book on water treatment."

"Since when do you care about water treatment?"

"Since caring about it became the way to get along with the scary people who hate us?"

"They hate you, my lord."

"They pity you."

Sigh. "Probably."



"Well, he's not wrong."


"I'm not sure there's a helpful stance we could take towards him. 'not upset about what happened' isn't gonna work, though."




"D'you think that suggests he told the truth about the conscription - actually, they've got to keep records on paper, we can just look -"


"I'm not actually sure how to specify them and they might not count as published."


"Should have asked my alt. I doubt he has fake conscription records in place he could nudge us towards, and he'd presumably know how they're specified..."


"Bring it up next time?"




And they can spend the rest of the day reading quietly.


Eventually Edie and Tyelcormo come back in.

"Wanna see a cartoon of your alt getting eaten by a squid?"


"Very much so. He came down and talked today and was perfectly nice if I hadn't been very sure he was being nice for reasons totally orthogonal to valuing the wellbeing of others."


"Ugh. Maybe I'm lucky, unless I'm badly mistaken an evil me would still be someone I could admit to althood with without vomiting."


"Well, if I ask myself 'how could my basic nature go horribly wrong' the obvious answer is 'terrorist on behalf of a cause she fiercely believes in' and while I don't condone that kind of behavior it seems a lot more tractable and less vomit-inducing than the problem you have."


"Yeah, that sounds positively lovely. Squid?"


Squid cartoon!


There's a TV set up and everything!


It is entertaining and vaguely cathartic.


That's what it's intended to be!

"Do you think there's any value to be had in I and/or Tyelcormo playing Bad Cop to your Good Cop?"


"I - don't know. My best guess is that he'll probably just decide he can safely ignore you if it's the case that you want him dead and he's still breathing."


"Does it matter why, if for example they present the appearance of just not wanting to get kicked out and expecting Security to grab them if they stalk him upstairs...?"

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