Cam is dipping a grilled cheese sandwich into a bowl of tomato soup when he feels the summons. He goes ahead and grabs it. Doesn't even drop the sandwich.
"Hello," the summoner says pleasantly.
"I would like you to fill this container with two hundred thousand zorkmids; they're a particular type of gold coin," he says. "In return I can tell you the names of some nice songs I promise you've never heard."
"Five songs. Okay, so you're just friendly, not generous. Eh. Can't be too picky. Sure."
"Might be more if I hadn't been warned against writing the list down ahead of time. All right, it's a deal."
"It would be a little tricky to get your written list if all I knew was that you might have one composed and you didn't tell me the title of the list," remarks Cam, stepping out of the circle towards the container. It begins to fill with zorkmids.
Cinnamon Roses
After Fire
Another Century
Silver Rain
by Ash and Stars
This he then offers to Cam. "What's your name, by the way?"
"Not at all, but I will abandon you if someone starts calling me up offering libraries in exchange for terraforming Mars."
The music is... weird. Instrumental, pretty, weird. He produces sheet music for it and the notation is very strange. There's a violin part, though. After he's listened to all five songs he starts trying to learn the violin part for Another Century. It doesn't sound right. The notation is really weird. He can't figure out what clef it's in or what some of these symbols between the notes mean. He can play the part more or less by ear if he tries, but connecting it to the notation seems like it might be a longer-term project.
About a day later, Miles summons him again.
Same lake, same trees, same overcast weather. But this time there are three empty crates.
"Mysterious purposes. Mysterious purposes that consume large quantities of foamed gold coins in a surprisingly short amount of time," says Miles. "How'd you like Ash and Stars?"
"I do have more Ash and Stars, among other things, but I can leave them out if they would be redundant."