Cam is dipping a grilled cheese sandwich into a bowl of tomato soup when he feels the summons. He goes ahead and grabs it. Doesn't even drop the sandwich.
"Maybe it would've been my full first name, Campbell, I don't remember him saying either."
"It's a fine name. I don't really know what the rest of mine should be. Lakewalker names take the last two parts from where we live - I used to be Sable Arrowsmith Tripoint Oleana, but even though I haven't seen Tripoint in eight years I don't really want to be Sable Arrowsmith Something Terraria. I never came up with good names for any of the islands anyway."
"I'm tempted to name them all after popular culture references, many of which are out of date even where I'm from, but it might be an improvement over literally nothing."
"Azkaban. Lilliput. Myst. R'lyeh. Utopia. Oz. Númenor. In the category of 'mortal media that was made before I died'. Demon media suggests things like Calastra and Wiaam and Iqeritc and Yüa. More recent human media has delightful offerings like 'Ysail' and 'Metza-pa'."
"Well, you can name your island whatever you like, but you'll have to explain all those things to me before I let you name any of my islands after them."
"Calastra is an island from my second-favorite series of books by my favorite demon author. I don't know if they've ever been translated into English, although they probably have and I can check. The island is inhabited by flying cats, and they bite."
"Let's see, what all did I list -" He pulls out his computer and writes down the ones he can remember. "Azkaban is a fictional prison island from an excellent series of children's books. It is guarded by nasty soul-eating monsters whose mere presence causes crippling depression and the loss of all happy memories, very unpleasant."
"Sure. On that note, R'lyeh is a sunken city in which the 'old god' Cthulhu is stated to lie dreaming. Horror series."
"Two of the big monsters in Terraria, the really tough ones that only show up under specific circumstances, are called the Eye of Cthulhu and the Brain of Cthulhu. I really don't want to meet the Rest of Cthulhu."