As far as she's aware, Aria and Alistair are the only wardens left in the entirety of Ferelden. She's pretty sure that means it's their job to end the blight, so they've trekked back up to Denerim in search of the big glowy dragon thing from their dreams.
It turns out that finding and killing an archdemon when all you have is a tiny group of warriors and a dog is - hard is the wrong word, however flippant she wants to be. She'd known it was going to be hard. She hadn't realized that the darkspawn were going to come out in such force that they would completely overwhelm the city, such that she had to choose between a suicidal charge through their ranks and a last-ditch attempt at evacuating the city. As fun as that first option sounds, she errs on the side of getting some people out and living to fight another day. She wonders, a little bitterly, whether it would've been different if she hadn't slain half the arl's garrison last month.
She takes her band of refugees and warriors and heads west to Amaranthine, ruined city burning behind them.