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In the time of Asmodeus there was a rich man, whom I will not name, who took my sister into his house as one of his servants and there treated her with viciousness and cruelty, until I could scarcely recognize her. Though he did not forbid his servants to take lovers, when she found herself with child he decried her as useless and cast her out into the streets until such time as she had given birth, whereupon she caught ill and died. When the riots came I thought to avenge my sister's death with his blood, for I knew that with the fighting in the streets none would take notice of me, and I thought it far more likely than not that none would suspect me of it. I took my knives and went to his house, thinking that I would take him by surprise.

Yet as I reached the threshold and prepared to force open the door, I heard the cry of a songbird, so quiet that I would not have thought to make it out above the din, though I heard it clearly. I turned my head for a moment and saw a bird with red feet take flight from a building across the street. In my head I heard a voice repeating a few words over and over: now bury with the dead years conflicts dead.

I realized at that moment the significance of the bird. For the songbird is the symbol of Lady Shelyn, Who does not turn away even from Zon-Kuthon Himself, and the words a quote from a book of poetry dedicated to Her, which I have lately been reading in the evenings. Hearing the bird's cries, I knew in my heart that She wished me to stay my hand and set aside my anger, no matter how impossible it might seem to turn from my purpose. Though my heart still burned with wrath, and my hands still yearned to drive my blade into his heart, I managed to wrench myself away and return to my home. 

I do not know why Lady Shelyn chose me over so many others. Perhaps she knew that I would listen, and feared that others would not. Perhaps she saw some great deed that will be done by the man I spared, and sought to preserve him among so many of the others who perished. Perhaps she sent a thousand songbirds, but many of them found their pleas falling on deaf ears. Regardless of which is true, I know that Lady Shelyn delivered me from the great Evil that is murder, and for that I cannot be anything but grateful.

I tell you this not that you may marvel at my good fortune, nor that you may decry me as all but a murderer, but rather in the hopes that there are others like me, who may still be capable of turning their souls towards Goodness. Shelyn is no Iomedae, who would strike down all Evil where it stands. Shelyn is no Sarenrae, who gives all a single chance to repent before casting them into the flames. Shelyn sees that even in a heart overrun with Evil, there is still the chance to choose something better. That is what she offered to me. That is what she will offer to you, if you are willing to take it. That is what she will never stop offering to you, so long as you live.

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Oh, that one's GOTTA get a reading.

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