Here is a basic magic principles lecture. The magic field possess a sort of inertia that is interfered with by spell-casting and this can be Very Dangerous, Don't Do It At Home Kids but natural gifts make spell-casting safe, more so if the spell is related to the natural gift. Lumen and Felix's gift would give an affinity for light-magic, for example.
Everyone has magical potential that gives oomph to spell-casting, people with natural gift have less potential (the stronger the gift, the lesser is the potential) and casting spells changes your magical potential: It shapes it such that you are weaker at general magic, but stronger at spells similar to the ones that you are casting. Co-casting has as similar effect, such that you build potential with the people you are co-casting with and lose it for other people. And if your potential with another person is strong enough you can channel a part of their potential and natural gift to use yourself.
(Thor raises his fist dramatically and says "I call upon the power of my brother the light-giver" which makes Felix rolls his eyes and explains this a media stereotype, professional magicians aren't amused by it.)
So, this leads to professional magicians forming covens where each individual performs a "role" and specializes in a kind of magic, usually three to five individuals per coven, but there is no technical limit besides the logistics of keeping everyone working together without breaking into smaller covens.