Thor's world diverges more from Martin's world than the one infected by the Ternion Agent. The broad strokes are similar to the point of recognition, and differences are apparently getting stronger thanks to the popularization of magic, helped greatly by the internet, today there are amateur magic clubs that practice on weekends using downloaded instructions and helped by people with natural gifts that want to make some extra money but not pursue a career. Magic has a lot of benefits and versatility over technology and the way spellcasting works benefits from large coordinated groups and the societal effect is overall positive, specially because it allow things like people coming together to put anti-pollution wards around neighborhoods and the like - large cities in developed countries are pollution free - or small but convenient things like self-cleaning or unbreakable objects. Magic can be used destructively, but technology is much better at scaling that up, so there less incentive to create the magical equivalent of an atomic bomb.
This set of triplets is from Brazil instead of the United States, which might account for the name differences.