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Ari finds himself Elsewhere
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"That sounds good to me!"


Gabe elbows Henry. "Okay, you know how much I love when you take in charge. But please let's go outside at some point today. Get Ari an ice cream. Or at least show him porn that features other people."


"Or get him ice cream to eat while watching porn. Or maybe even do something crazy like show him non-porn."


"Going outdoors sounds clothed. And I have no idea what ice cream is, but it sounds... weird. Is the cream sweetened?"


Gabe nods at the wisdom that outside means clothed. Which is indeed a terrible thing to happen upon Ari.

"Yeah, there is milk and sugar and stuff."


"Ice cream is a frozen dessert, made of milk or cream with the addition of flavorings such as fruits," Felix explains more technically. "It's delicious. Does your world have chocolate?"


"Uncle Deckard mentioned it to me once. Apparently they drink it in Kurast. I'm willing to try anything you say is good, just don't abuse my trust."


Thomas approaches Ari from behind. "Don't worry. There are other things we plan to abuse," he pats Ari's butt, "but not your trust."


"And chocolate is delicious and so is ice cream. Man, I want to your face when you have some. Maybe we can put some on Henry's dick to make it extra special."


"You're incorrigible. I adore you."


"It must be the company I keep." Gabe kisses him.


"I must say that you two are horny perverts to the point of being awe-inspiring."


"We don't have your fancy devices and pornography back home, you know. We have to make our own fun. Sometimes that means killing demons, sometimes it means studying magic, sometimes it means fucking until your legs are numb."


"Very wise."


"We probably should talk more about your home world. What kind of problems it needs solving."


"The demons are a big one. And the undead. There's been kind of a global crisis of faith ever since it was revealed that the Council of Zakarum were secretly under the control of Mephisto, Lord of Hatred, but I'm not sure if anything can be done about that. Um... There's rumors the Templar Order of Westmarch is gearing up for a second Inquisition, and the first one didn't go super well? And we're apparently a medieval backwater. That's all I can think of right now that's an ongoing problem."


Felix pulls out a notebook and starts writing things down. "Technology will take time and infra-structure to set up, but it does a lot for large scale quality of life," Felix muses.


"How about we gather information first then think how things can be solved. What are demons?"


"They're, uh, bad. They come from the Burning Hells, they want to kill humans, and there's millions of them. Their power level ranges from 'could kill an unarmed human on a good day' to 'can rip through a battalion of fully armored knights' depending on the species. Sometimes they come to our world through portals, but they don't really have to anymore, there's a breeding population for all but the strongest in Sanctuary now. They actually keep to themselves most of the time, it's not like a constant war, but they steal anything shiny they can find, and sometimes babies. It's pretty bad. And when the portals open up, they usually mount an offensive and a lot of people end up dying."


"Are they people? Demons in general. Do they have emotions, even if... evil ones?"


"Yeah. They're fully intelligent. They just think that everything that isn't them should die."


"Maybe it's cultural and we..."


"Continue gathering information before coming up with solutions? Because you gave me a lot of flak about how it was the correct way to problem solve."


"Fine. Okay... any other important demonic properties? Like, you mentioned species, but they have shared traits or something?"


"Very few apart from the whole 'destroy everything' thing. They all spawn from something called the Great Abyss, but we don't know much about it. But in terms of appearance, they can be pretty much any color of the rainbow; they can have wings, scales, feathers, you name it. There's more humanoid demons than any other kind, but not by much."

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