bribing scribes costs money, making up bullshit is free
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The Committee on Virtuous Churches began with a Debate on the Nature of Virtue as it applies to Churches. For it is clear what it means to say that a Man or a Woman is Virtuous, or a God, or a Slip, or even a Horse; but for a Church it is less so, for Churches have no Soul, nor Feelings, nor Actions. It was Determined that a Virtuous Church is a Church made up of Virtuous Adherents. The Church of Iomedae, then, is the most Virtuous Church of all, being made up entirely of Blessed Warriors and Holy Priests who, in the manner of their Goddess, never Sin nor Err.

This matter having been Settled, the Committee turned next to the question of how the Teachings of the Virtuous Churches might be Spread throughout the Kingdom. For there are many Wicked and Corrupt Men who would seek to Deceive others about the Teachings of the Virtuous Gods. Many Cultists of Geryon have sought to promulgate Lies about the Virtuous Gods and thereby turn their Followers from the path of Virtue. At this there was a brief Debate about whether this was in the Remit of the Committee; for if a Church, owing to such Pernicious Influence, is no longer Virtuous, it might seem that its Teachings are no matter for Virtuous Churches. It was Determined that all Churches which are Virtuous outside the borders of Cheliax are within the Dominion of this Committee, and if the Church of a Virtuous God be so Corrupt even outside Cheliax that it can no longer be called Virtuous, then its teachings ought to be Forbidden, though the God itself be Worthy.

To Prevent the Spread of Falsehoods about the Virtuous Gods and their Churches, the Committee voted to establish an Inquisition, modelled after the Inquisition of Iomedae in Mendev, which shall Investigate all those individuals Purporting to spread the Teachings of Virtuous Gods and Execute any who instead promulgate Lies and Heresy. The Inquisitors shall be chosen personally by the Queen, who in her Wisdom shall select only Virtuous Men, with souls so Pure that they have never served Asmodeus or any Evil Power, even in Childhood.

This matter Concluded, the Committee turned to a Debate as to whether Pharasma's Church ought properly to be considered Virtuous, for her Priests seek to Slay Undead and Preserve the Lives of Infants, or Unvirtuous, for she is worshipped by Good and Wicked Men alike. This Debate had not Concluded when the Committee was Adjourned for the day, and shall be Continued Tomorrow. It will be Reported in Full by the next Edition of this Pamphlet.

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She doesn’t actually buy and read the pamphlet until the day before the convention resumes on the 8th of Sarenith.  She was motivated in this purchase because it occurred to her to look for leaks to the public about what the convention is saying.  This pamphlet is completely unconnected with any actual real events, likely entirely fabrication!  It’s good news… for the actual truth of convention business staying secret, but bad news for the public understanding the convention, and bad news for Thea’s ability to buy actually accurate committee notes (even with Theopho’s recommendations on sources).

It does give her an idea… she can buy committee notes for committees she is actually on, to get a sense of how accurate the sources of notes are and what’s being said about herself.

Also, it makes her wonder if an actively hostile and malicious agent (as opposed to bumbling stupidity) was involved in the Excising Diabolism Committee Notes Pamphlet.  That pamphlet was (in comparison to other pamphlets like this one) unusually close to actual events while being critically flawed.

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