Somebody portalsnaked to Hex, like, decades ago
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How many of me have daughters, or is this the same one who can reasonable-ize Valar?


That's the only one so far, I think! Iobel and Mitros are possibly developing a spell to have children or possibly waiting until they know how to get a copy of the Valar-reasonablizing one - her mother is married to someone with no alts, so we don't know if all marriages of that kind result in children who are alts.... I bet Cam can't have kids so there aren't any other prospective Bell offspring on the horizon.

Maedhros said he and his husband might have children 'in five hundred years' which is about how I feel about it.


I am even yet vaguely weirded out by the concept of having children. I guess Aydanci might want them? Since this time he was brought up with the concept? But - not soon - at all -


...would that even be possible? Like, obviously not the conventional way, but the Enemy tried, it might just be that humans from Stork Cannot Have Children, That's Not A Thing Humans Do.


Oh, yes, he tried, I don't think he got anywhere, but we could just go grab one from Stork, or there could be alt-related shenanigans or magic or something.


Raising a child from Stork doesn't appeal to me, what'd appeal - in a very very long time, when everything is long since okay - would be the child having Maitimo's personality - optimistically, even with the common sense that heredity refused the house of Fëanor -


It's not something I imagine I will feel incomplete without. But Aydanci likes having parents and might want to have children. And in a very long time when everything is long since okay, if he does, I will at least owe him seriously thinking about it...


Five hundred years is a nice long time. Not worth dwelling on too much.




There's a festival for Kib's restoration to health. The King orchestrates it very neatly.

Permalink, sure, they can go with that. Yaaaaaay Kib's health.


"Participation in the world that presents itself to him?"


"It'd be more accurate but not very festive."


"My thinking exactly. Are you getting tired of being passed around between boyfriends or can I smuggle you away from your own festival in a bit?"


"You can smuggle me. Whenever you all get tired of passing me around it will suddenly become a lot harder to ignore the fact that I don't really have anything to do."


"I was thinking we should demand the not-censored-in-order-to-be-comprehensible-to-our-primitive-sensibilities version of the new tech level, catch ourselves up with the galaxy - apparently that's the turn of phrase, even though it's really a multiverse, because Edda's out in front by Ages - find you an occupation that would be totally useless if electricity's nonsense, something like that."


"Sounds good."


He writes Cam a note. "Maybe we can also corner them on all the not-technical things they elided at the same time, I want to know how the war went in their worlds but that's obviously a touchy subject -"


"Is it?"


"Seemed one? Apparently I get captured practically routinely."


"Slightly different question from how the wars were won, that..."


"Well, you can ask if you want, when he shows up. He should probably stick around anyway, help with the getting-used-to-your-brain thing  - which means I should smuggle you off right now..."


"Otherwise you might have to wait until he had something else to do?"


"None of your alts have three people orbiting you like they've discovered the objectively best person in the world and plan to gift him galaxies. They might get jealous."



"I don't think any of them are on the whole going to be jealous of me."

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