Somebody portalsnaked to Hex, like, decades ago
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You wouldn't. I will if you like write a letter to Future Teenage Girl Me.


Telling her not to fall in love with us in the dreams? That might be valuable. Just in case.


And telling her not to make wounded faces at you and so on, yeah.


We'd do it, you know, for you.


If there's an Aydanci's Rational Sexual Orientation Granter around somewhere it hasn't been mentioned in my hearing, I think the Valar are currently the gold standard - and I wouldn't want to break you two up.


I was imagining asking someone - perhaps this absurdly accomplished Loki - for a Rational Sexual Orientation Granter, not going to the Valar. I could handle getting my head tampered with for you but I'm not giving Maitimo up, not least because if I did he'd kill himself.

Not in a. Manipulative way. I just think that the knowledge he's important to peoples' happiness is one of the main reasons he isn't going to.


I imagine Loki has some limitations or Cam would not be the only indestructible one.


That's apparently waiting on testing. Maedhros has seriously considered it and gave ours a very short and oddly emphasized rundown of the benefits and drawbacks - the drawback, he thought, was the indestructibility.




Benefits sound lovely, though! That's how Cam can make arbitrary objects. There's a different powerset which is changing arbitrary objects into arbitrary other ones, and a third which is moving things around, and it'd be lovely to have a nice mixture, though the teleport rather obviates the moving things.


Mmm, not completely, sometimes a thing needs to actually move and not just be elsewhere.


Anyway, the way to become one is to die in the right dimension having performed the right rituals, and unknown are whether innate magic powers from your native world carry over when you do this, whether people from far enough away can do it at all even if they die in the right dimension, and whether if not you can still be retrieved by Mandos. So they haven't been proceeding at full speed with making everyone indestructible but it might be quite doable. Also, there's one world in which Cam can casually resurrect people.


Because they run their minds on calculator chips in their heads, I hear.


Yup. We can't get those, sadly. I am apparently in charge of a medical team that's working on changing that, but they're not optimistic in the short term. If we turn into indestructible Cam-like things then we can get those but have less incentive. You can also become a vampire if you want, which makes you super fast and super strong and super pretty - so, not sure it'd affect your appearance at all - but also makes you find human blood intensely compelling and need blood of one form or another for sustenance. And there are eidetic memory necklaces, which are highly in demand and they'll get us some as soon as they can. Those are the extent of the self-improvement options the universe has so far.


Huh, wonder if the eidetic memory would cover Aly or just this incarnation.


Good question. If it covers past lives we could just hand you one at an appropriate age, if you ever get killed.


It'd kind of - overwhelm whatever Future Me was doing with themself at the time, probably, but I'd probably take it anyway.


It's as good a time as any to let us know your updated raising-and-caretaking-of-a-baby-Kib preferences, if you have them.


...Aydanci did fine raised by handpicked Elves but I might chafe. The other Bells presumably have parents? Maybe they will have insights here?


I'll add it to the list of things to ask. Aydanci's definitely more trusting of authority than you - or, at least, he is until your wellbeing is concerned, he had less than no patience for the King once you'd been taken.


I pick 'em well.


Yes, yes, you do.



I've wondered if I'm net good for him - I am when I'm okay, but I keep not being okay, and if he'd never met me - but on either theory of how reincarnation works he'd be dead for good by now -


He'd choose you all over again, even knowing. I am very sure of that, and not sure what else it means to be good for someone.


Neither theory of how reincarnation works makes any sense. The storks cannot have reasonably done it. Being yelled at while dying cannot have reasonably done it. And these are the only guesses floated.

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