It was supposed to be a low-risk mission just dipping their toes back in the water. And of course it's not. There's wraith there and they have to run. The manage to dial fine, they even manage to get to the gate but as they're jumping through several wraith shots hit the gate and something goes strange. The normally smooth passage of the wormhole twists alarmingly and it's normal teal green shifts to a much more menacing red. And when they're finally spat out. They certainly aren't back at Atlantis.
"Yesterday I would have said there was no chance but they do have some abilities I wasn't expecting. I'd still be surprised if it functioned in a way it was easy for me to use though. I would like to get access to examples of the Dwarves work. That still seems the most promising avenue if I'm going to actually build something instead of just providing advice."
The discussion continues in this vein for a time without coming to any real conclusion before the team decides to turn in for the night.
And in the late morning Teisiya is back.
"We can do the exam this afternoon, if you're amenable. One of the smaller temples of Salyak the Healer agreed to let us use a clean room there, and one of their priestesses will supervise the surgeon." Who is a barber on most days, but there's no sense mentioning that. "Do you have a preference if it's myself or another witch observing?"
"If you're comfortable having him present? No, it won't be." It does make the worst case worse, if they have to put down both, but they were already bringing enough guards to fight a Lahmian with a dozen thralls, or a pair of Blood Dragons. If you can bring overkill, you should.
"We appreciate it." That is not a promising face but he doesn't think this is meant to be a trap as long as they don't actually find whatever they're afraid of in Teyla's body.
Mostly that was a surprised face. Fighting in a unit together or not, few women Teisiya's met would be willing to let a man see her bare or nearly so. Male surgeons working on women are a little controversial, that's why she mentioned the priestess as supervising. She hadn't previously gotten the impression Sheppard and Emmagan were sleeping together, especially since they aren't one of the pairs sharing a room, but now she's reconsidering the possibility.
"It's no trouble. I'll be back soon, then."
Sheppard gives Teyla a pat on the shoulder and they proceed to the carriage.
Teisiya is inside, tense and hiding it imperfectly. This is the time for an ambush from whatever might be hiding.
"Just as soon be done with it, hmm?"
She absolutely notices the tension. "Yes, I don't fully understand what you're testing for but I hope that these tests will set your mind at ease and allow us to move forwards more positively."
"I expect it will. But if I'm wrong... now is the last chance for something to break loose and attack."
"I'm at least confident that it would be... not you, Miss Emmagan. Despite appearances, I'm not suspicious of you."
Their destination is whitewashed like the other temple, but much smaller and undecorated. It's the best-repaired building in its neighborhood, which is on the same bank of the river and not far at all.
Men in black cloaks stand sentry in a perimeter around it, which narrows as they pass inside it. No one comes near them, or even near their old location when they move; whatever else the Ice Maiden is doing, she is also a sign reading "Witch Business. Stay away."