Her team's traipsing through the jungles of Chult, chasing down their latest lead for the Shield Guardian's amulet (since the more they can bring to bear against Acererak, the better). Liliane is paying close attention to the geography, to help with returning to where they left the rowboats, when a giant snake with a mirror for a face appears in front of her. Her hand goes to her flail, but before she can otherwise react, it's on her. She flinches, and is elsewhere.
Ras Nsi eyes them. "I'll seek out my own proof," he says. "Unless you want a fight: leave. But I will provide you the cube as your ninth and final, when I feel satisfied."
"We'll leave," says Rune, "And we'll hold you to that."
She waits for Ras Nsi's acknowledgement, then turns on her heel, apparently unconcerned about Ras Nsi's guards.
"Yeah-- I mean, we could probably have taken him there and then, but higher numbers are always good."
"He had guards hidden around us. We would've won, but it would've been an annoyingly hard fight."
"Ooh, hidden guards. Clever. ...and annoying.
Do we want to meet back up with the rest of the party, or head on to talk to Emes?"
"Honestly it might be best to talk to Emes without my mom there. They fight, sometimes, but Emes likes me."
"If you two get along, it seems best to send you along, then. And if we head there, we might run into the other half of the party on the way."
She's findable, and apparently orders her people to let them through. She's in what seems to be a field command center on the outskirts of Omu, bent over a table with a map. She glances up when they arrive, but just regards them silently.
Awkward charm offensive: initiate! "You must be Emes; it's a pleasure to meet you."
"Well, yes. I'm assuming you're here because someone wanted Mr Lich to go down and hired you to do so? We want that too, and the more the merrier, et cetera."
"Acererak is my enemy." For now. "But I haven't been convinced you're my allies."
"We pretty much want no death curse, and no Mr Lich, and we're willing to help other people achieve that. I'm not sure what else you'd need to convince you--?"
"I have no confirmation you'll stay out of my way, and I have sources that indicate a large group would be deleterious in the Tomb itself, anyways." Not to mention her sister's a busy-body and would object to Emes' plans.
"More people might be a problem in the tomb, but warm bodies would be helpful in the last fight, and we're definitely more use than just warm bodies, if I do say so myself.
And depending on what you mean by being in your way, I can't see any reason why any of us would... want to? We want the death curse ended, we don't necessarily want the glory for it."