Her team's traipsing through the jungles of Chult, chasing down their latest lead for the Shield Guardian's amulet (since the more they can bring to bear against Acererak, the better). Liliane is paying close attention to the geography, to help with returning to where they left the rowboats, when a giant snake with a mirror for a face appears in front of her. Her hand goes to her flail, but before she can otherwise react, it's on her. She flinches, and is elsewhere.
"That makes sense. Come on, let's get moving to our next target - I got a next step, not a final location, pretty much."
Extensive running around and questioning reveals that Ras Nsi and his Yuan-Ti are hidden beneath the ruins of the Royal Palace. Thousands of bats swirl above the great ruin. Behind a fifteen-foot-high circular wall, the party can see crumbling arcades, vine-choked statues, empty plazas, and buildings overgrown with banyan roots. Streets that aren’t flooded are choked with rubble.
There's a rather obvious entrance they were told about, but Decima's fairly certain there's bound to be a back way in - and she's able to follow the thick serpentine tracks that the snake-like Yuan-Ti leave to a narrow, rough-hewn passage hidden behind thick layers of palm fronds.
"We shouldn't assume this is unguarded, though..." she mutters.
This isn't the first time she's seen snake people-- but these definitely aren't Sslyth.
She fires at them. Presumably splinter rounds still hurt them.
That seems to work!
The three guards are no match for the team - and the one that ran away to alert the nest is no match for being chased down by Decima.
"We're a good team. Large, but not so large it damages stealth, powerful..." She laughs and flips a knife. "Come, let's see what we can find within."
The passages are narrow and labyrinthine, and they're frequently having to deal with traps, sneak past guards...
Between Rune and Decima they have fairly good navigation, though, and soon come up to Ras Nsi. He's another snake-person, scowling at them.
"Well, look what crept in," he snarls, yellow eyes narrow.
"So, I'm assuming there's a plan behind the underground lair? Scared someone might take your cubes, say?"
Ooh, ambush predator tactics, sneaky. And probably, like, smart too. Not that she's going to tell him that.
"I'd probably be a fool if I took you right at your word, too."
He snorts. It's an odd hissing sort of sound. "I assume you want my cube? What for - riches, fame, fortune?"
"Well, I don't know about anyone else, but I mostly just want to punch Lichy McLichface in his... face."
"I'd like to see the Death Curse ended," says Rune.
" - You believe Acererak to be involved in that?" asks Ras Nsi, startled.
" - It's not actually common knowledge," Rune says to Zerri, and then to Ras Nsi: "I know it. He bragged about it through an avatar, to my mother."
Ras Nsi frowns.
"Oh, he sounds real charming. ...I mean, nothing about him sounds charming-- but bragging, and not even in person?" She shakes her head.
"The Death Curse is a plague upon my people, same as any," Ras Nsi says, slowly. "Acererak had promised to protect us from it."
"I mean, that's probably achievable if he made it happen. 'I promise I'll protect you from this gun that I am holding' and all that."
"That's the problem with liches: they don't tend to be the most truthful folks." Okay, she doesn't have any evidence for that, but it's not a bad assumption.