Her team's traipsing through the jungles of Chult, chasing down their latest lead for the Shield Guardian's amulet (since the more they can bring to bear against Acererak, the better). Liliane is paying close attention to the geography, to help with returning to where they left the rowboats, when a giant snake with a mirror for a face appears in front of her. Her hand goes to her flail, but before she can otherwise react, it's on her. She flinches, and is elsewhere.
Zerri follows, on account of her seeming to be the only one with any clue re: tiles.
She counts the tiles, underlining each letter that corresponds to a black tile, then, once she's done, reads out, "Cover eyes. It says 'cover eyes.'"
"Oh. ...Oh." Finally, something that makes sense!
And she closes her eyes. (And hopes this doesn't prompt a monster attack or something equally inconvenient.)
Everyone closing their eyes doesn't seem to do anything, even when they all go back out in the main room. Rune makes a frustrated noise and starts pacing along the perimeter under the statues.
The loin cloth thingies over Drukhari armour: purely decorative. Zerri takes hers off, and starts ripping it into strips.
The others start helping blindfold the statues, too.
A little line glows on the middle pedestal when the statues are all blindfolded. There's a click, and a small rumble, and then the top of it draws back to reveal a painted and carved cube.
"Huh, so that's a thing.
--I swear, if that cube is meant to interact with those tiles, after we get Lichyface I'm going to murder whoever made this structure."
"That's one of the keys. For the Tomb." He takes it, puts it with his other one.
"Maybe, but I imagine anyone else who can do these puzzles would probably be scary in a fight."
"Yeah. We're a big group, but - there's a lot of big, powerful groups gathered here."
"It'd be so nice if we could! --but yeah, I'd suggest steering clear of anyone else running around."
"Luckily my sensory range is good, and I can pick up on more than just magic or odd energies."
"That seems ideal to me."
After some discussion, they decide that going towards Nangnang's shrine - on the southeast side of the flooded area - is probably best, but it's enough of a trudge they'll likely want to camp before the shrine.