A Lian gets dropped on the Merry Band
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They come to peer at it. "Shadow sounds right to me." (There's general agreement.) "Possibly we should investigate the shadows? Secret doors or passages seem likely to me, the size of this chamber doesn't match the exterior."


"It might the shadows of the statues?"


"Seems reasonable?" She'll start walking around, shining her light at different angles - and indeed a shadow behind the bat-statue deepens and darkens more than can be accounted for just by the different light. It seems to recess into the wall.


Zerri goes over to get a closer look at it.

Is there anything special about the wall? 


It vanishes when Liliane moves her light. She puts it back - and other than being prone to disappearing, it seems perfectly normal.


"Huh, disappearing wall. Neat."


"Hopefully it won't vanish while we're in it, though I suspect it's more a very good illusion."


"Yeah, don't want a wall appearing in me, that would be bad. Though if it's more like an illusion--" She gingerly pokes where the wall was. 


Her hand goes right through it.

"That seems more likely, that it's illusory, at least in terms of 'scale of what kind of magic it'd take.'" Carillia says. "I'd suggest a dispel magic except I'm not sure if that'd permanently reveal or remove the tunnel."


"I mean, if we have a way of keeping the light source in place, that'd achieve much the same thing? Though it would make it more obvious where we've been--"


"I'm fine staying out here."


"If you're sure you won't get eaten by sneaky whatevers--"


"Leave some people with me, maybe? We have enough that splitting the party's not as dangerous as it usually is."


"Kaemoque and Khelresse can watch your back."




...and now to gingerly step through the wall and hope she doesn't get embedded in brick.


She doesn't!

Shalsuve, Rune, and Juerai follow, Jet and Carillia remaining with Liliane.


Yay for not ending up as part of the wall!

What does the tunnel look like now that she's in it?


She has to crouch to go very far - it's more of a crawl space, only three feet high - and it lets out pretty soon, into a plain room with square tiles on the floor in a grid. Most are light, but some are irregularly dark.


Ugh, crouching. Fun.

--aaand gingerly tap a light square with her foot.


It doesn't do anything.

Rune comes in. "Why do I feel like this is a puzzle. I hate dungeon puzzles. They're stupid."


"I kinda wonder whether this is meant to look like a puzzle, and the real puzzle is working out that it's not actually a puzzle-- but that seems a little unlikely."


"I don't know what the conclusion would be then, though." She furrows her brow, and carefully walks around - when nothing happens, she starts counting tiles.


"I mean, that sort of fake out is probably not what's going on here."

She gingerly taps one of the dark tiles.


Nothing of note happens.

"Perhaps the pattern of dark tiles is significant?" she muses.

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