Her team's traipsing through the jungles of Chult, chasing down their latest lead for the Shield Guardian's amulet (since the more they can bring to bear against Acererak, the better). Liliane is paying close attention to the geography, to help with returning to where they left the rowboats, when a giant snake with a mirror for a face appears in front of her. Her hand goes to her flail, but before she can otherwise react, it's on her. She flinches, and is elsewhere.
"I wouldn't have expected what animals would care about and what we would care about to line up much, but if they like you and you know what to ask--" She shrugs.
"I imagine they think a lot different then people do? I mean, different types of people think a lot different, and you'd think the gap would be even wider with animals."
"That is some of it. Though animals have many of the same base desires. Shelter. Satiation. Entertainment."
"Varies with species, and some with individuals. Dogs get bored easier than snakes. But most animals like being entertained."
The crocodiles let them pass.
There's an inscription in an unfamiliar above the door, which Carillia peers at, mouthing the words slowly. "It says something about Papazotl - one of the old gods here. Something about bowing - that's a conjugation of 'to bow', and then I believe an archaism for 'nothing' or 'no one.'"
She scribbles that down - "Sometime these sorts of things can help with later puzzles..."
"Right. Let's keep moving."
The hallway beyond is made of stone, which has been heavily covered in moss. It's dim inside. The mosaic floor depicts a tall bird using its long, pointy beak to pin a monstrous frog-like creature with tentacles sprouting from its shoulders. Set into the far wall is a set of heavy stone doors.
Well, that's freaky. Like, she's seen worse in the cheapo arenas she went to, but she's pretty sure this is the sort of place with mostly 'normal' animals? Maybe? "Are frog things... a thing here?"
"A froghemoth? Yeah. They mostly live in swamps and underground. They're native to some regions of Chult. Powerful compared to most people, but any of us could take an average one."
"Okay, that's less concerning. I mean, tentacles are always worrying, but if they can be shot and killed--" she shrugs.
"We should maybe set you up with something like Volo's Guide to Monsters. So you have an idea of what's local, at least."
"That could be worthwhile, yeah.
...though maybe try and keep it out of the hands of other Drukhari. They might take it as more of a shopping list than a field guide."
"We'll keep that in mind. For now, let's keep going."
The doors aren't locked, but are heavy, requiring two strong people to move each, though Liliane's able to move one on her own with minor straining.
There's a large square chamber beyond, empty of anything moving. An empty pedestal stands in the middle of the chamber. Six statues face it from alcoves on the walls, two on each wall except the entrance. They depict bare-chested humans with the heads of different animals. From left to right, the heads resemble those of a lizard, a jaguar, a lobster, a toucan, a bat, and a frog.
"Okay, definitely culturally out of my depth here: any significance to that--" she circles her hand around "--arrangement? choice? of animals?"
"I'd guess they'd represent the Trickster Gods, except the correspondences don't line up. Possibly servants or watchers."
"The Trickster Gods were - somewhat trickster heroes. Kind of. Each of the nine had a different alignment - we use a law-chaos and good-evil axis for that - but they were noted for having helped the Omuans. Papazotl was lawful evil, though, and generally noted as shrewd and conniving." She shakes her head. "Anyways, come on. There's bound to be clues somewhere in here. Either to where the key is, or where it went."
"Well, I'll follow your lead on how worried to be."
Zerri looks around the room for anything that looks out of place .
There's an inscription at the base of the pedestal, in the local trade tongue.
Comes with sunshine
Leaves with night
Hides in darkness
Does not bite
Always joined to its caster
Never strays from its master
She calls out to the rest of them. "We've got a riddle over here! ...I think the answer is 'shadow', but something might be off with the translation."