Her team's traipsing through the jungles of Chult, chasing down their latest lead for the Shield Guardian's amulet (since the more they can bring to bear against Acererak, the better). Liliane is paying close attention to the geography, to help with returning to where they left the rowboats, when a giant snake with a mirror for a face appears in front of her. Her hand goes to her flail, but before she can otherwise react, it's on her. She flinches, and is elsewhere.
"Based on how patrols are moving, I think I can at least get us to 'guarded locations,' though if they're smart some of those'll be fake. I don't think they're smart."
"I think we'd have an easier time spotting 'guarded' than 'fancy.'
And we can help stop the guardedness."
Shalsuve takes point, and after some discussion they put Liliane at the back - she's fast and hits hard if something tries to sneak up on them - and Bridget to the group's right, Rune not actually in the main group but lurking in the shadows off to the left. Juerai is between Bridget and the corsairs.
And they can then slink towards the next shrine. Fortunately it takes them well above the flooded part of the streets.
(There's the occasional hint of life - things moving out of the corner of their eyes in buildings, a flash of light...)
Zerri keeps her splinter rifle close at hand, as things dart around in the corners of her vision. Doesn't fire of course-- it would be stupid to give away their position over something that might just be a rat. But she keeps a close eye on them.
"We're getting close to it," Carillia eventually whispers. "But I'm getting a few pings that concern me - either magic items or magic traps, I can't tell yet."
"So magic traps definitely sound bad, but is there a reason to worry about the items?"
"Unfortunately getting me close enough for long enough to identify effects tends to give the guards plenty of time to attack. It's more useful forensically or in deserted dungeons..."
"Not ones for subtlety are they? Gotta show off, who needs misdirection when you have bling, that sort of thing."
"It's nice when the baddies make things easy. Not sure why they do it, but it's nice that they do."
"'Leaders first' is always a fun strategy. Check they have no civvies, have Juerai light it up?"
Shalsuve signals for a halt after another few blocks - they've come upon the shrine's exterior. Crocodiles wallow in the muddy lake bed, from which rises a walled ruin. Two columns flank the entrance, carved with images of a long-legged bird with a needle-like beak. At the building’s front, slimy steps ascend to an entry arch. The water around it is hard to gauge the depth of, due to the cloudiness of the water.
Juerai casts a quiet spell, crouches down, and starts - talking, possibly - to the crocodiles. They look at him, lazily interested, then a few roll over and the others seem to decide the people aren't particularly interesting.
"We should be good to advance," he says. "They don't think anyone's watching the approach - usually they warn the people inside, but they like me and don't care for those ones. They don't have information about those inside, unfortunately."
"Huh. That's.. useful. Honestly, I'm mostly surprised that crocs could be so helpful."