Her team's traipsing through the jungles of Chult, chasing down their latest lead for the Shield Guardian's amulet (since the more they can bring to bear against Acererak, the better). Liliane is paying close attention to the geography, to help with returning to where they left the rowboats, when a giant snake with a mirror for a face appears in front of her. Her hand goes to her flail, but before she can otherwise react, it's on her. She flinches, and is elsewhere.
Jet leads them to a group of three others - with the same makeup as the group they'd spotted. A male yuan-ti is leaning against one wall, arms crossed, while a female elf taps her fingers on her thigh, and a male tiefling sighs.
"Jet, you need to stop wandering off like that," the elf says, sharply, then casts her gaze over at the newcomers. She nods to them, says, "I'm Carillia, cleric of the knowledge domain."
"Shalsuve," the yuan-ti says. He's relatively monochrome for one, his faint scales pale with a few black flecks and his hair black and his eyes crimson. "Monk, way of the four elements. All of us are twelfth tier."
"Juerai," the tiefling says, voice soft and barely audible. "Sorcerer. I use wild magic."
"Liliane. Paladin of devotion, and this is Rune, monk of shadow. We're both approximately tier twelve. The corsairs are lower tier, their weapons can pack a punch but we should be trying to keep any enemies from hitting them."
"Yeah. We're fast and we have some better long range weapons, but--" She taps her breastplate, and it sounds alarmingly hollow "--some sacrifice of protection for mobility, unfortunately."
"Oldest debate in fighting," Jet says, voice light. "Fast and light or slow and heavy."
Fast and light works out pretty well for us-- but assistance in keeping the greebly things far away from us would be appreciated."
"Happy to have all of you. And I'm used to keeping the squishies from getting splattered."
"There is the question of how we delegate decisions, if we're working together."
"I'm not sure about the rest of my party, but I'm willing to... hang back, a bit. I'm here to repay a favour, and I don't really know a lot about how this stuff works, so I'm not going to be a source of good decisions."
"We can vote when there's time. Either go with the majority, or split up if we seriously disagree. If it's an emergency, listen to whoever's the expert at the time - duck if someone shouts duck. I'm used to running medical centers, but not to dungeon delving, so I'll bow to other's expertise in battle and traps, how about."
"I'm decent at traps, if none of you are specialists," Rune says. "I can take point there."
"I have reason to believe it was destroyed by ball of black magical stuff? No idea if that's helpful information though."
"Nothing that wasn't mentioned in scraps of rumors. That it was the seat of the ancient gods of Chult, is the main thing of interest."
He nods. "There's keys that're needed to get into the tomb. I think they're hidden in the old shrines - we've already found one."
"Do the shrines look like anything in particular, or do they look like the rest of the buildings in this place?"
"They're fancier, and each has its own architectural style. They also have a unique feeling magically - Carillia can identify them."
"That's good. This architecture is foreign enough to me I'm not sure I could pick out the fancy ones."
"We still need to search, her range doesn't cover the city, but it does help."
"Well, seeing as we all get along,and we want to get rid of the Death Curse, may as well start searching."