Her team's traipsing through the jungles of Chult, chasing down their latest lead for the Shield Guardian's amulet (since the more they can bring to bear against Acererak, the better). Liliane is paying close attention to the geography, to help with returning to where they left the rowboats, when a giant snake with a mirror for a face appears in front of her. Her hand goes to her flail, but before she can otherwise react, it's on her. She flinches, and is elsewhere.
It's a booming town, though still small, attracting increasing amounts of trade. It's situated in the middle of fairly flat plains, and sticks out rather dramatically. They aren't the only airship, but the others look more rustic, in a way, and smaller.
There's some minor curiosity about them, which Liliane diffuses some of when she disembarks, and pays the docking fee from her own funds.
An hour later, she's back with a woman who looks about her age in tow. The woman has darker skin that Liliane by a few degrees, and black eyes and straight black hair, and wears dark clothes that gather at the wrists and ankles, but allow plenty of freedom of movement. Her expression's stern, but she nods to the crew.
"This is Rune d'Aigle," Liliane says as they get aboard. "My daughter, and a monk. She's increased in power recently, similar to how I have."
"Nice to meet you," Rune says, nodding slightly.
"Nice to meet you. I'm Zerri. Always good to have another strong arm around to help."
"Well, at least try our best.
...She helped us a lot. Only right to return the favour."
"Seems like it. Not that that's a bad thing; the galaxy can always use more helpful people."
"Yup." And, off-handedly, "As much as I'm good saving the world and all, I must admit I'm just glad to get away from that mess..."
"Look, okay, so, I was sitting in a tavern, flirting, and three of my exes walked in, and that was the high point. ...Ridiculously long story short we kind of ended up stealing this huge fortune to stop someone else from stealing it, and returned it, but it miiiight be a good idea for me to be elsewhere getting famous for a bit."
Chult's fairly easy to get to - navigating through the giant hole into the immense and possibly physics-defying underground cavern is the trickiest part.
The island itself spreads out towards the horizon. They're on the northern end; Liliane consults a map and identifies the place she vanished from as roughly midway down, in the middle west, and the place they're probably going as more southerly.
Well, if southerly is where they're probably going, no reason not to head southerly.
...and try and avoid the snakes. Running into the snakes again would be bad.
Didn't seem to be a flying snake at least. Though 'teleporting snake' isn't much better. Possibly is worse.
The island's big, but can be easily crossed by air. Liliane steers them around anyone known to hold hostile air space, which she's mostly guessing at.
(Rune actually knows a bit more. Rune had maybe skimmed some of that treasure off the top and started planning a rescue mission).
The jungle's dense, so they'll have to scan, but beneath the trees the outlines of ruins are pretty obvious to any decent surveying equipment.
Good news! Corsair ships tend to have pretty good scanners, so they find the ruins fairly easily.
"I'd've expected a lich to have fancier digs, honestly."
The city must have been grand, once, and it's still enormous for a pre-industrial site - just mostly underground or covered in some very industrious plants.
"He might've had other reasons, like it being magically significant. Ideas on approach strategy?"
People from Commoragh have funny senses of scale. Pre-industrial cities look like teensy villages to Zerri.
"Depending on if we've got room to maneuver down there, I'd say we go in fast and hard before he has a chance to muster a counter attack." She shrugs. "But you know more about liches, so, you'd have a better idea probably."
"I took time to hit the library about him after getting mom's letter way back when. Indestructible - like, not even a god could go through them - metals exist, and he was known for using it in a previous layer. Magical traps exist. Shooting him from the air sounds fun, but when he's under a mile of rock and the shot triggers a reversal trap, that does as much damage to us as we put out..."
"Yeah, that's not gonna work.
How many entrances are there? If we could through a weird way and flank him, that might give us an edge."