How Theo got an acolyte
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"Glad I could help, Nicolau," Theopho says, wrapping up a session of advice, "We can speak again soon if you have more questions."

"Of course, Watcher. Thank you."

"Just my duty, especially for a dutiful follower like yourself."

He almost actually likes Nicolau Masvidal, who is a Dispater follower, and has the Lord of Dis's strong regard for protecting his family and treating them harshly only rarely or when he believes it is for their own good. He's a master woodworker, mostly cabinetry, and regards his family much like he regards a shipment of high-quality lumber from rare trees: to be cut and bound to shape, but only in service of an important goal. Three children; one son, one married daughter, and the youngest, who he has recently been considering betrothals for.


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Who is the next person to approach Theopho.

"High Watcher, if I ask you for counsel, is it confidential from everyone?"


Well, that's bold. He's seen her around, of course, she's fairly often here without her father, but most young women who he sees here would not ask for counsel right after their father, in conflict with him, and be explicit about it

"Yes, and theirs from you. Now?"



"My father is discussing betrothals. I've met some of the men, and realized I have been... somewhat sheltered by his philosophy of proper paternal conduct. It's not that I can't take a little pain, but the.. games, I'm not used to, with someone I'm supposed to call family."


"Would that all husbands and fathers in Cheliax understood the guidance of Dispater. Yes, it's rough. You've dealt with similar things with other people, outside the family?"


"Yes, and working with people with that hanging over me is nastily tiring. I can probably learn, but it's a severe handicap while I'm supposed to be signing a contract of alliance. Is there anyone you can suggest who's honest enough that I could trust it would just be pain, not mind games?"


Sorry, she does not say, because she is Chelish.


"No one comes to mind who's within fifteen years in age and looking to be married soon. Some young men I don't know well whose parents would be suitable temperaments, which might be promising, but not obvious candidates for a family alliance."


"Augh. I can learn to do this, I'm an adult, but the social season is starting soon and I don't have time."


"You are a capable young woman. This is a difficult situation you are embedded in, but I do have confidence you can find a way to flourish in it. Your father hasn't left you weak."


"...Do you want an acolyte, Watcher? Someone to assist with the work of the temple, not just the slave work? For... a year's commitment?"


"And you think your father will agree?"


"I think I can persuade him that it isn't against his interests and that he owes it to your temple to let me."


"You realize, of course, that it won't prevent you from having to make this decision. Most priestesses of Erecura are married, as far as I know. Probably most priests as well."


"I can face it, with some more preparation. And studying what you know of Erecura will help me get that preparation."


"Well, that's the right attitude."

"...I do want to be very clear. Of all my Lady's aspects, her marriage is one I will never imitate. I will have no family and no wife. Don't try it."


"Understood, Watcher."


"Then if you can convince him, I will take you on."


Sarakaske proved correct, and her father permitted her to commit to serving Erecura for at least a matter of months. She studied what records Theopho had found of Erecura's doctrine, practiced understanding people and gave simple advice to parishioners who visited with relatively simple problems.



Half a year later, Theopho sat down with her during a quiet moment.

"Do you think you're ready to face potential betrothals, Kaske?"


"I think so. I'm... stronger, and I think I'm ready. I can negotiate in my own right, not just accept whatever deal my father negotiates. Not that I'm free to choose anything I like, but..."


"Why, that sounds familiar."


"Yes. Erecura's example has been a real inspiration. Thank you, Watcher."


"You are welcome, and certainly not in my debt. Your assistance has been useful, and your perspective on Lady Erecura informative; I'm not a normal example of Her followers."


"I appreciate it anyway. I think I'll be done at the end of this month, and let my father know I'm ready to consider betrothals again."

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