Really this should be the work of some sort of LEGISLATIVE BODY
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Conspiring to commit a crime is henceforth illegal, even if the plot is not brought to fulfillment.

Conspiracy shall consist of plotting or scheming among multiple persons to commit some other act which is criminal under another law.

Idle talk shall not in itself constitute conspiracy; the schemers must truly intend to follow through on their scheme, which may be evidenced by confession, by divination, or by evidence of the plotters taking real action to advance the scheme.

Conspiracy to commit a crime shall remain criminal even if the plotters act in ignorance of the law; should they know not that their plot is illegal, or know not that to conspire is illegal, they shall still be guilty.

However and likewise, if some persons conspire to commit an act that is in truth no crime, they shall not be guilty of conspiracy, even if they believe the act to be illegal.

Conspiracy to commit a crime shall carry a penalty no greater than the underlying crime, and no less than half the minimal sentence for the underlying crime; unless before being caught a conspirator not previously in the employ of the state shall confess their scheme and act to prevent any furtherance of it, in which case there shall be no minimum penalty save for that demanded by any criminal harms already caused.


In the name of HER MAJESTY, Aspexia III, Queen of Cheliax, Protector of Sargava and Isger, Defender of Civilization &c. &c.
On this, the 8th day of Sarenith in the 4714th year since the raising of the Starstone.