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Míriam stands at the edge of the cornfield, watching the farmers' skeptical faces. The afternoon sun beats down on their weathered skin as they mutter among themselves, eyeing her sister Laia with a mixture of curiosity and distrust.

"Friends," Laia calls out, her voice steady despite the nervous flutter in her chest. "You've heard whispers of the Green Radiance, haven't you? The new god rising, after the Dark God's fall? Of crops that grow twice as tall?" She pauses, letting the murmurs of interest ripple through the small crowd.

Laia steps forward, her eyes shimmering with an otherworldly gleam. Míriam feels a thrill run down her spine, as she always does when her sister is about to channel the power of the Green Radiance. 

"Lo," Míriam says, gesturing to the stunted wheat around them. "See what the blessing of the Green Radiance can accomplish."

Laia raises her hands, and for a moment, Míriam can almost see a faint green glow emanating from her sister's fingertips. The air grows thick and heavy, like the moments before a storm. The farmers shift uneasily, but their eyes remain fixed on Laia.

Suddenly, the grey, drought-stricken corn begins to grow, rapidly, almost more than than it would in a whole season, rising up into a tangle of rich green stalks that that tower over her head, swaying in the breeze. 

Gasps and exclamations of awe erupt from the farmers. Núria watches their faces change from doubt to wonder. She feels a surge of pride for her sister, for the Green Radiance that has given them this gift.

Laia nods, smiling. "The Green Radiance offers this power to all who are worthy," she says. "Join us, and you will never go hungry again."

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Míriam and Laia make their way down the winding path. Remesiana soon, and then the Faith will spread even faster. Excitement bubbles in her chest despite the late hour.

"You did well today," Míriam  says, glancing at her sister. 

Laia doesn't respond immediately. In the silvery moonlight, her skin seems almost translucent, and Míriam notices a faint sheen of sweat on her brow. "Laia? Are you feeling alright?"

And then her sister turns to her, her eyes lit with a strange glow, and Míriam's breath catches in her throat-

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