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Market forces made this inevitable, blame Abadar, or Mammon
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A new pamphlet emerges midway through the trial, sold alongside the others by the ubiquitous urchins, with an elaborate masthead and the title:  

The Truest and Unredacted Accounts of the Testimony of Valia Wain
Produced for the Eludication of the Chelish Public by the GENEROUS PATRONAGE of ALFONSO VIDAL,

Wise and Learned Judge:
Select Valia Wain, do you have anything more to say before I Pronounce Sentence? 

Virtuous but misled Select of Iomedae:
This wise court, where ONLY TRUTH may be spoken, by the Magicks of our Lawful Queen and the Divine Blessings of Iomedae, has heard much of my Foolishness and Naivete. And I Beseech Her Good Majesty for Justice. 

I have made many foolish decisions since coming to this convention, for which I Beseech Her Majesty to Punish me in accordance with Justice.

But the one thing I SHALL NEVER REGRET is buying this fine set of Light Armor I now wear. 

Insightful Prosecutor:
I would have felt it inappropriate to mention given my Case relied on your Poor Judgement, but now it has been raised to The Court's Attention. That Armor does look Skilfully Made and, if I might be so bold, the Choice of Ornamentation and Coloration is suitable to your pallor.

I believe it serves the Public Interest for you to share with us the details of how you obtained it. Surely such Fine and Protective Armor must have been purchased with Great Riches, doubtless obtained from the Vaults of the Slaughtered Nobility of This City? 

Defensive Lawyer for the Defence:
Objection! That is a Scurrilous and Unproven accusation. As a Select of the Goddess Iomedae my client may also have had access to Finely Crafted Holy Arms and Armor from the deep Vaults of Last Wall. Or a Virtuous Paladin Order. For surely there is no other way to obtain Armor that so Perfectly Balances Tasteful Ornamentation with Protective Quality, and Breathable Materials.

My client is that not so? 

Wise Clericess:
Nay it is not so. I obtained this fine Armor in Neither fashion. Upon entering this Fine City of West Crown I sought out Appropriate Garments. Using the stipend provided to me as a delegate. Such stipend reflects the Generosity of Her Majesty and Her Arch Mages but is well within the means of a Diligent Merchant or Beginning Adventurer.

Knowing the necessity of wearing Appropriate Garments for a Clericess of the Goddess Iomedae. Needing to Balance the Practical Demands of War Against Evil and Appropriate & Tasteful Decoration to Bring Glory to the Goddess. I wandered the city, visiting many Blacksmiths, Taylors and Other Merchants.

However among them I found only SINFUL MISREPRESENTATIONS of the qualities of their goods, with Poorly Fitting Leather Buckling and Flimsy Armor that could be Pierced with the most Flimsy of Twigs. Even worse these vile SERVANTS OF MAMMON sought to exploit my Naive and Trusting Character, as they do to many Visitors to the Fair City. 

Finding no Virtuous Merchants, especially not in the Port District, I did rend my hair and call upon my Goddess for Salvation. And thus as with all prayers, mine was Answered, and I was Directed By Infallable Holy Light to:


Upon Liberation Street (known to some iniquitous persons still as Dispater Alley).

There I was met by the most Courteous and Knowledgeable of Shop Staff. Recruited from Across Avistan for their Wealth of Knowledge. Who understood the Unique Needs of a Customer, such as I, and my Reasonable and Prudent Budgeting.

There they recommended me this fine set of Armor you now see me Wearing as I Sit Stoically Awaiting Sentence. Recommending it both for its Fine Protective Qualities, Guaranteed by the Finest Steel Smiths, Tested Against Infernal Weaponry, and its Tasteful Decoration, combining Martial with Feminine themes, in a Color Scheme appropriate to my Complexion and making use of the Recommended Colors of Blessed Iomedae. 

When it came time to pay I Rejoiced as the Very Reasonable Price meant I had More Money in My Pocket, which I could donate to Orphans, and other such Sympathetic Causes. But I was Astonished and Delighted to discover there were Additional Savings to be had.

Proceeding Prosecutor:
I have listened so far as this tale has become more and more fantastical, but now I must interrupt your honorableness. No Merchant in this City could be as Generous and Fair Trading as you Describe. And now you claim there were Additional Discounts? How could such be so? 

Deferential Defendor
Loathe as I am to agree, my commitment to the upholding of Law does Compel me to do so. Such discounts are Beyond Reason. Surely my client wishes to retract her testimony so that her Good Character and Honesty might be displayed to the Court? 

Prudent Priestess:
I shall not retract my testimony, as in this, as in all other things, I have been Honest and True. 

I was able to obtain Additional Savings, on top of the already Reasonable Prices with my 10% Convention Attendees Discount (Available on Selected Items). 

Regretful Judge:
Truly the Wisdom of the Goddess was great in Guiding you to such a Virtuous Merchant.

Alas a single choice, no matter how indisputably Wise and Virtuous, and indicative of Good Sense and Prudent Financial Choices does not excuse your other Errors of Judgement. As such my Commitment to the Law of Our Wise Queen mandates that I sentence you to Death by the Headsman's Axe Upon Your Neck. 

Heaven Bound Select
I accept this Just Judgement from our Wise Judiciary and Good Queen. I hope only that you will forgive my Many Errors. 

Alas perhaps my Greatest Error was I did not take the Special Offer to buy a Helmet and Gorget alongside my Armor as a Package Deal

Total: 10
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Oh, this armor store has been selling weapons and armor to the false cleric and her angry mobs? Brick through the window!


This fine group of performers would like to make a business offer!

How much will Alfonso pay them to do an impromptu performance of this in the town square, and how much extra to do it before the trial is over?


(They politely ignore the broken glass)


Oh, this armor store has been selling weapons and armor to the heroic Valia Wain and her revolutionary compatriots? Is there a discount for Patriots of Cheliax looking to avenge her death tonight?


Oh, this armor store has been selling weapons and armor to the false cleric and her angry mobs? Brick through the window!

Alas! We did not For See This!

Fortunately as a Proprietor of High Quality Weapons and Armor to Gentlefolk and Adventurers we have Experience Operating in the Chelaxian Market and dealing with Enthusiastic Patrons.

Our Highly Trained and Knowledgable Staff are Eager to Demonstrate the Correct Usage of all items in Stock. 


Oh is this armor store planning to sell weapons and armor to Patriots of Cheliax looking to avenge her death tonight? 


Maybe the proprietor would instead like to supply the defenders of order instead, hm? For free?


 - With the names of those dastardly rebels, I mean. Yeah. Supply us with the names of those rebels.


We wouldn't accept bribes, never.


This fine group of performers would like to make a business offer!

How much will Alfonso pay them to do an impromptu performance of this in the town square, and how much extra to do it before the trial is over?

We have a Far Better proposal than Mere Upfront Payment. Are these Skilled Performers aware of the Respected Abadarian Concept of Referral Fees? 

You simply request that those Customers drawn by your Fine Performance quote the Pass Phrase below when they Complete their transaction, and you receive a Proportionate Cut of the Gross. 


Oh, this armor store has been selling weapons and armor to the heroic Valia Wain and her revolutionary compatriots? Is there a discount for Patriots of Cheliax looking to avenge her death tonight?

Oh is this armor store planning to sell weapons and armor to Patriots of Cheliax looking to avenge her death tonight? 

Maybe the proprietor would instead like to supply the defenders of order instead, hm? For free?

In Holy Iomedae and Honest Abadar we Trust.* All Others must Pay Gold Up Front. 

*Applies only to accredited Priests, Paladins, Outsiders and Other Appointed Representatives Thereof in Possession of Relevant Seals and Letters. Offer also extends to Her Majesty, And sundry Arch Mages upon request. 

10% Discount is Available on Selected Items to Accredited Delegates of the Constitutional Convention with Verified Arcane Mark. Not applicable to Sundry Patriots, Defenders, and Others of Righteous and Sympathetic Cause but lacking in Specific Value as a Targeted Market Demographic. 

Total: 10
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